Social Change in the Age of Globalization
The 36th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (IIS) was a true milestone in the history of IIS, for it heralded many firsts: the first World Congress to be held on the Asian Continent, the first to be held in China, and the largest attendance by far of any of the organization’s World Congresses. This book is a compendium of 18 papers presented by plenary speakers from 10 different nations. It addresses sweeping issues related to the age of globalization and social change, including cultural diversities, migration and equality, social transformation, and national identity. Notable is an extraordinary diversity of viewpoints, approaches and opinions. Social Change in the Age of Globalization should be especially useful for those interested in learning more about social change in the context of globalization, especially in nations whose sociological communities are emerging, such as China and many other Asian nations.