Dictionary of Nursing Theory and Research
An essential reference, particularly for students who encounter nursing theory and research courses in their educational programs....In her foreword...Afaf Meleis states that it is the answer to a graduate student's prayers. I would certainly agree, and I would add that experienced researchers and theoreticians can use it as a handy reference for day-to-day scholarly activities.-- Nursing Education Perspectives. Updated terminology and the addition of many new terms with examples and references that reflect current nursing practice make this third edition of the Dictionary of Nursing Theory and Research a valuable accompaniment to the nursing student's or practitioner nurse's bookshelf. With the inclusion of research, theory, statistical, and epidemiologic definitions, as well as cross-reference notes at the end of each entry, this compilation is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date nursing dictionaries available.;. This alphabetical dictionary of terms used in nursing research and nursing theory offers clear definitions--often in. multiple paragraphs and sometimes ending with an example that further demonstrates the meaning of the term Cross-references. are printed in boldface after the definitions with references that will lead the serious reader to delve more deeply into. contextual use of the terms and concepts.---CHOICE February 2006. What distinguishes this Dictionary from others are its attention to the diversity in inquiry and distinctively nursing. 'takes' on key concepts in theory and research. This Dictionary will be a welcome addition to the libraries of both new and. experienced researchers.. ---- Margarete Sandelowski, Cary C. Boshamer Professor, School of Nursing, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This alphabetical dictionary of terms used in nursing research and nursing theory. offers clear definitions-often in multiple paragraphs and sometimes ending with an. example that further demonstrates the meaning of the term. Cross-references are printed. in boldface after the definitions. Powers (emer., Univ. of Rochester) and Knapp (Univ. of. Rochester/Ohio State Univ.) offer descriptive definitions with references that will lead. the serious reader to delve more deeply into the contextual use of the terms and. concepts. Given the accolades for the second edition(1995), it might be expected that the. definitions would rely on older references. Instead, the majority of the 17 pages of. references supporting the text take readers to publications newer than 1995, with a. significant number being as recent as 2004. The work, therefore, is unlikely to become. outdated for many years to come. Summing Up: Highly recommended. All Libraries. that support nurses' education and research at the lower-level undergraduate level and. above.- K. Bradley. Bellevue Community College ---CHOICE February 2006