Meeting the Mets: A Quirky History of a Quirky Team
Meeting the Mets: A Quirky History of a Quirky Team is a volume one of a two-part retrospective on the history of the New York Mets, a team that is now in its fifty-second season of play. The author, Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey, attended over 1600 games at the Polo Grounds and William A. Shea Municipal Stadium between July 15, 1962, and July 16, 2002. While he has not attended games since that point for reasons that are described in the book, he was pretty visible in the stands as a very unofficial cheerleader for over a quarter of a century, known as "The Lone Ranger of Shea Stadium." Droleskey provides a personal retrospective on the origins of the Mets, highlighting some of the quirks of a quirky team, including memories of utterly meaningless games that might put a smile or two on the faces of those who have followed the team over the years. The books contains lots and lots of trivia about the Mets and baseball, interspersed with personal many bits of cultural trivia and history.