Environmental Economics
Environmental Economics: The Essentialsoffers a policy-oriented approach to the increasingly influential field of environmental economics that is based upon a solid foundation of economic theory and empirical research. Students will not only leave the course with a firm understanding of environmental economics, but they will also be exposed to a number of case studies showing how underlying economic principles provided the foundation for specific environmental and resource policies. This key text highlights what insights can be derived from the actual experience. Key features include: Extensive coverage of the major issues including climate change, air and water pollution, sustainable development, and environmental justice; Introductions to the theory and method of environmental economics including externalities, experimental and behavioral economics, benefit-cost analysis, and methods for valuing the services provided by the environment; Boxed 'Examples' and 'Debates' throughout the text which highlight global examples and major talking points. The text is fully supported with end-of-chapter summaries, discussion questions, and self-test exercises in the book, and multiple-choice questions, simulations, references, slides, and an instructor's manual on the Companion Website. This text is adapted from the best-selling Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 11th editionby the same authors. t analysis, and methods for valuing the services provided by the environment; Boxed 'Examples' and 'Debates' throughout the text which highlight global examples and major talking points. The text is fully supported with end-of-chapter summaries, discussion questions, and self-test exercises in the book, and multiple-choice questions, simulations, references, slides, and an instructor's manual on the Companion Website. This text is adapted from the best-selling Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 11th editionby the same authors.