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Dawn of Modern Science
Dawn of Modern Science
Showing how Western man turned from contemplation of the divine universe to a specific reality, Goldstein exploresthe origins of modern science and the relation of rational inquiry to the mystic arts of alchemy and astrology.
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The Story of Tibet
The Story of Tibet
“A memorable and vivid history lesson about a remote mysterious place that, in terms of its sheer survival, has implications for our own lives.” —The Times-Picayune Over the course of three years, journalist Thomas Laird spent more than sixty hours with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in candid, one-on-one interviews that ranged widely, covering not only the history of Tibet but science, reincarnation, and Buddhism. Laird brings these meetings to life in this vibrant, monumental work that outlines the essence of thousands of years of civilization, myth, and spirituality. Tibet’s story is rich with tradition and filled with promise. It begins with the Bodhisattva Chenrizi (“The Holy One”) whose spirit many Tibetans believe resides within the Dalai Lama. We learn the origins of Buddhism, and about the era of Great Tibetan Emperors, whose reign stretched from southwestern China to Northern India. His Holiness introduces us to Tibet’s greatest yogis and meditation masters, and explains how the institution of the Dalai Lama was founded. Laird explores, with His Holiness, Tibet’s relations with the Mongols, the Golden Age under the Great Fifth Dalai Lama, Tibet’s years under Manchu overlords, modern independence in the early twentieth century, and the Dalai Lama’s personal meetings with Mao just before His Holiness fled into exile in 1959. The Story of Tibet is “a tenderly crafted study that is equal parts love letter, traditional history and oral history” (Publishers Weekly). “Captivating reading.” —Tricycle
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Writing in Red
Writing in Red
In the German Democratic Republic words and ideas mattered, both for legitimizing and criticizing the regime. No wonder, then, that the ruling SED party created a Writers Union to mold what writers publicly wrote and said. Its chief task was ideological: creating a socialist and antifascist culture. But it was also supposed to advance its members' professional interests and enable them to act as public intellectuals with a say in the direction of socialism. Many writers demanded that it pursue this second function as well, which brought it into conflict with the SED. This book explores how the union became a site for the contestation of writers' roles in GDR society with consequences well beyond the literary community. Union leaders, pressured by the SED or the secret police, usually acquiesced in enforcing regime demands, but by the 1980s many authors had adapted to the rules of the game, exploiting their union membership to insulate themselves from reprisal for their carefully worded critiques and in so doing beginning to break down limitations on public speech. The book explores how and why in the 1970s the Writers Union helped normalize relations between writers and state, yet over the course of the 1980s inadvertently aided the expansion of permissible speech, ultimately helping destabilize the East German system. Thomas W. Goldstein is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Central Missouri.
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Christopher Wool
Christopher Wool
Published on the occasion of the first survey of Wool's work at the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art from July to October 1998, this book features all of this artist's work to date. Drawn from sources in everyday or vernacular culture, Wool's imagery has ranged from the rolled "wallpaper" images of flowers, vines, or dots, to using rubber-stamps, stencils, or silkscreens. Working with language as image since the late 1980s, Wool has restructured words ("prankster", "adversary", "comedian", "paranoic", "riot", "fool") or common phrases ("cats in the bag", "the show is over", "run dog run") into all-over compositions of stencilled block letters that traverse or grid the picture plane while maintaining the integritiy of their meaning. Recently, Wool has turned from the techniques of image construction to exploring methods of image destruction in the silkscreened, overpainted, and spraypainted works of the mid-1990s.
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Haunting Experiences
Haunting Experiences
Ghosts and other supernatural phenomena are widely represented throughout modern culture. They can be found in any number of entertainment, commercial, and other contexts, but popular media or commodified representations of ghosts can be quite different from the beliefs people hold about them, based on tradition or direct experience. Personal belief and cultural tradition on the one hand, and popular and commercial representation on the other, nevertheless continually feed each other. They frequently share space in how people think about the supernatural. In Haunting Experiences, three well-known folklorists seek to broaden the discussion of ghost lore by examining it from a variety of angles in various modern contexts. Diane E. Goldstein, Sylvia Ann Grider, and Jeannie Banks Thomas take ghosts seriously, as they draw on contemporary scholarship that emphasizes both the basis of belief in experience (rather than mere fantasy) and the usefulness of ghost stories. They look closely at the narrative role of such lore in matters such as socialization and gender. And they unravel the complex mix of mass media, commodification, and popular culture that today puts old spirits into new contexts
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Practical Predictive Analytics and Decisioning Systems for Medicine
Practical Predictive Analytics and Decisioning Systems for Medicine
With the advent of electronic medical records years ago and the increasing capabilities of computers, our healthcare systems are sitting on growing mountains of data. Not only does the data grow from patient volume but the type of data we store is also growing exponentially. Practical Predictive Analytics and Decisioning Systems for Medicine provides research tools to analyze these large amounts of data and addresses some of the most pressing issues and challenges where data integrity is compromised: patient safety, patient communication, and patient information. Through the use of predictive analytic models and applications, this book is an invaluable resource to predict more accurate outcomes to help improve quality care in the healthcare and medical industries in the most cost–efficient manner.Practical Predictive Analytics and Decisioning Systems for Medicine provides the basics of predictive analytics for those new to the area and focuses on general philosophy and activities in the healthcare and medical system. It explains why predictive models are important, and how they can be applied to the predictive analysis process in order to solve real industry problems. Researchers need this valuable resource to improve data analysis skills and make more accurate and cost-effective decisions. - Includes models and applications of predictive analytics why they are important and how they can be used in healthcare and medical research - Provides real world step-by-step tutorials to help beginners understand how the predictive analytic processes works and to successfully do the computations - Demonstrates methods to help sort through data to make better observations and allow you to make better predictions
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Mental Health Counselors at Work
Mental Health Counselors at Work
Mental Health Counselors at Work features the assessment of mental health workers, who are non-traditionally trained, as well as the implications for work force utilization of this study. This book first introduces the pilot training program, and then describes the settings in which mental health counselors (MHCs) were employed, as well as the characteristics of their work. MHCs expectations regarding future job functions are then presented. This text also looks into the evaluation of work of the featured MHCs, as well as into the reflections of the MHCs on their fieldwork experience. This book concludes by presenting the implications of the assessments made regarding the work of the featured MHCs. This text will be invaluable to those in the field of mental health counseling, including trainers and practitioners.
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