Thriving as a Superintendent
All superintendents are at risk for an unanticipated departure and it can happen at any time in a career. Thriving as a Superintendent: How to Recognize and Survive an Unanticipated Departure is a resource for active and aspiring superintendents, which explores issues surrounding superintendent unanticipated departures. The book places special emphasis on lessons learned from the superintendents interviewed and current research about how to prepare for, recognize, and negotiate through an unanticipated departure, as well as how to move forward should such a departure occur. The authors conducted in-depth interviews with 22 superintendents who personally experienced unanticipated departures. These superintendents represent a wide range of experience levels and district contexts, and these interviews are compiled and synthesized so that their stories and lessons learned can be shared in a way that benefits readers. In addition, three in-depth scenarios (case studies) are included. These scenarios provide context for discussion and consideration. Each scenario includes an annotated reference section of relevant material that will be helpful to students and practitioners interested in engaging in further study.