25 Brilliant Business Mentors
25 Brilliant Business Mentors Their Top Tips to Catapult You to Success! In this quick-reference book for small business owners (who want to be business-builders), 25 of the most brilliant business mentors have come together to share their top business tips, strategies, and tactics to make it easy for you to succeed as an entrepreneur! Each author has been challenged to respond to five significant business prompts in five key areas, including: 1. Mindset 2. Business Management (Running a Business) 3. Visibility (Marketing) 4. Sales 5. Money This book is a business work of art, designed with one clear goal: to move you forward quickly in your business, so you can thrive, excel, and enjoy greater profits. Each page is full of wisdom, know-how, and real-life business experience, to help you gain insight and direction for wild business success, with proven action-steps to make it exciting and possible! These magical pages cover everything from right thinking and believing, to powerful productivity, simple systems, empowering environments, and leading for success. It uncovers some of the very best and most effective marketing tools and activities you can use and do to gain great exposure and attract your very best clients. Need help with your sales process or funnel? Is closing the sale a challenge for you? Are you stumped on sales strategy? No more! Embracing the sales process, closing the sale, and increasing your sales and profits gets easier the second you pick up this book of brilliance! Gain understanding on pricing your products and services, discover how to invest in yourself and in your business, and uncover the money secrets that elevate entrepreneurs to the top of their dreams! If you know you are ready to prosper, but need help getting there, then let the 25 brilliant business mentors in this book help catapult you to success!