Even As You Are In Me
The telling of this story begins during the period of Dr. Israel Newman’s grief inflicted by the traumatic death of his toddler son, Markus. As a necessity of heaven, he insists it must be a physical place where he can hold his son again. One day, on his way to work as a pain management specialist caring for people dependent on opioids, he observes impossible changes of Mount Rainier, with disappearance and reappearance of Tahoma Peak. He thinks he might be losing his mind. In his psychology support group, a socially and professionally ostracized genius of physics, the amusing Michael Hannity, suggests that what really happened was Israel’s mind moving between different timelines. As Michael explains spiritual travel in relativistic spacetime, Israel sees and hopes for a possibility to prevent the death of his son. He cannot control his travels and experiences horror, romance, humor, and intrigue in the lives of others. He falls in love. At the end of a series of hellish experiences, he encounters for the first time, Jesus as a lad of twelve, who admonishes him to make heaven in the lives of others. Jesus appears again and again, and in whose lives? We see a psychologically troubled, human Jesus and within him an omniscient presence. A tour-de-force of imagination, wildly inventive and funny as well as thought-provoking and moving, this book will draw you into a world you never dreamed of. It answers many questions and asks some more. You will want to talk about it.