Teaching Debate in Chile
Why should we teach our students to debate? Here's a global answer: "Sooner or later, all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace... If this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation..." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance SpeechThis book is for teachers, students, and people who have a need to express their views clearly, while using their judgement to understand and question the ideas of others.This book is not about how to use your words to take advantage of others. Debate, in my view, is not combat, it is not a battle with words used as weapons to hurt, maim, or cripple your opponent.On the contrary, you will find my honest attempt to help my English Language Learners in Chile to seek the truth, to find mutually acceptable uses of language to better understand the rapidly changing world we live in today. It is a world in which we are bombarded, literally, with massive amounts of information to persuade us to buy certain products, to vote for one candidate over another, to choose. This book will help prepare students to live in a world of choices. Again, here is what you will not learn in this book: How to fight with words. You will not learn how to win arguments. What you will learn is how to have confidence in your ability to use words to make the choices life confronts all of us, worldwide, with. That is the reason why I believe it is important to ensure my students have the opportunity to develop this skill, the ability to think critically, and to express themselves clearly...