Note: If you are purchasing an electronic version, MyPsychLab does not come automatically packaged with it. To purchase MyPsychLab, please visit or you can purchase a package of the physical text and MyPsychLab by searching for ISBN 10: 0133770796/ ISBN 13: 9780133770797. The fourth Canadian edition of Children: A Chronological Approach is an effective textbook for college students studying child development in a course with a chronological framework. Its attractive, heavily illustrated, modular format helps students understand the evolution of child development research, theory, and applications, without overwhelming them. It provides students with a book written in an accessible, consistent style and at an appropriate level for new college students. A new "What would an educator/health professional/counsellor/parent do?" feature highlights the applied nature of the curriculum, enhancing student learning and engagement. For visual learners, the fourth Canadian edition also includes a new "Developmental Milestones" chart that maps physical, cognitive, and psychosocial developments at each stage of childhood, from the prenatal period to adolescence.