Resilience in the Twenty-First Century College Classroom
When considering the needs of college students in the twenty-first century, professors must first be aware that the jobs for which these students will be preparing have yet to be fully developed. Therefore, it's imperative for student success that college instructors work to produce students who are comfortable in an environment of transition. In short, students able to utilize creativity and innovation in order to address the needs of the ever changing future econom. Resilience in the Twenty-First Century College Classroom provides college instructors with strategies to provide this structure for their students and aims to help them secure a brighter future. Through research and observation, it provides for both the needs of current college students and leaders in business and industry who are looking to connect students with skills that will make them an appropriate fit for their organizations, thus making it possible to fill jobs that are going unfilled because of a lack of the necessary skills and potential employess. About the Author Dr. Edna Theresa West has extensive administrative experience in higher education, which includes overseeing the development and administration of teacher education programs. She has demonstrated experience with budget, state program approval and certification procedures, NCATE, and other accreditation processes, recruitmen and retention of faculty, and recruitment of students. Additionally, West has taubht graduate level courses in Curriculum and Development, Educational LEadership, Teacher Leadership, Professional Development, and School Internship; and undergraduate courses for Highly Qualified Teachers. West has had the distinct privilege of teaching ever grade leve -- kindergarten through 12. As a middle and high school guidance counselor, a classroom teacher, a high school administrator, a middle school principal, and the founding principal of a brand new K-8 urban charter school, she was responsible for the oversight of student admission and the transcript auditing processes; the development and management of the school budget; recruitment, assessment, retention, and training of all staff; development of new programs; assessment and quality control of all academic programs; scheduling courses and instructors; manaement of program staff; and establlishment and maintenance of open communication and positive working relationships, in addition to being responsible for the arbitration and resolution of student or faculty issues related to the instructional program. As an Assessment Coordinator for the National Assessment for Educational Progress, a Principal Mentor for the Ohio Department of Education, and Instructor of the Highly Qualified Teacher Course through the Ohio Department of Education, and an Associate Professor, West has deep knowledge of, experience with, and commitment to adult education. Her NAEP experiences have provided her with the Gold Standard for the assessment and implementation of effective academic instruction. West currently works as an Associate Professor of Professional Education at Notre Dame College in South Euclid, Ohio. She volunteers as a tutor for the Seeds of Literacy program.