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Madison State Hospital
Madison State Hospital
From the bluff overlooking the Ohio River Valley in Madison, Indiana, Madison State Hospital celebrated its 100th Anniversary on August 23, 2010. The collaboration of the hospital s Executive Cabinet and select departmental leaders have created this rich account of the first 100 years. Explore with us the multifaceted changes and accomplishments that have positioned it as a premier state psychiatric hospital.
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Small Animal Surgery Textbook - E-Book
Small Animal Surgery Textbook - E-Book
The fourth edition of Small Animal Surgery serves as a one-stop resource for authoritative information on all aspects of small animal surgery. Coverage includes basic procedures such as spays, castrations, and declaws, as well as more advanced surgeries like craniotomy, ventral slots, and lung lobectomy. New contributors bring a fresh perspective and discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology. Access to a companion website provides a fully searchable version of the book, bi-monthly content updates, videos, aftercare instructions, case presentations, and a fracture planner. - Well illustrated, step-by-step instructions for surgical techniques provide quick reference to practical how-to information in emergency and clinical situations. - Coverage of cutting-edge imaging techniques, including radiographs, CT, MRI, and digital imaging, explores the most useful imaging modalities for demonstrating areas of surgical concern. - Access to the continually updated companion website for the life of this edition includes: - Bi-monthly content updates provide cutting-edge information on surgery developments - Video clips of step-by-step surgical procedures - Customizable and printable aftercare instructions - Interactive Fracture Planner - Case presentations - Neurosurgery video clips - References linked to PubMed - Over 1500 full color images offer exceptionally clear representations of anatomy and currently accepted surgical techniques, including approaches and closure. - Anesthesia Protocols offer easy access to recommendations for anesthetizing animals with particular diseases or disorders. - Notes boxes call attention to specific data, offering at-a-glance access to key information. - A new chapter on neurologic examination provides a solid foundation in neuroanatomy, electro-diagnostics, and basic MRI physics and principles, enabling you to perform a proper neurologic exam to detect problems in cats and dogs, some of which can be corrected via surgical repair. - A new chapter on regenerative medicine provides the most current information on stem cell research. - Differential diagnosis tables and boxes offer quick access to vital information, including how to avoid misdiagnosis of disorders that may mimic more commonly encountered surgical neurologic problems that are not actual disorders requiring surgical repair.
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Converting Factors and Tables of Equivalents Used in Forestry
Converting Factors and Tables of Equivalents Used in Forestry
The purpose of this handbook is to provide members of the Forest Service with conversion factors and forest measurements that are more or less frequently encountered in forest literature. These are expressed in tabular form where it appears most advantageous to do so; in the other cases a series of alignment charts have been prepared, which permit the direct determination of values in multiple form. There are included also certain other tables giving data more or less commonly used in forest calculations.
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Organic Food and Farming in China
Organic Food and Farming in China
Despite reports of food safety and quality scandals, China has a rapidly expanding organic agriculture and food sector, and there is a revolution in ecological food and ethical eating in China’s cities. This book shows how a set of social, economic, cultural, and environmental conditions have converged to shape the development of a "formal" organic sector, created by "top-down" state-developed standards and regulations, and an "informal" organic sector, created by ‘bottom-up’ grassroots struggles for safe, healthy, and sustainable food. This is generating a new civil movement focused on ecological agriculture and quality food. Organic movements and markets have typically emerged in industrialized food systems that are characterized by private land ownership, declining small farm sectors, consolidated farm to retail chains, predominance of supermarket retail, standards and laws to safeguard food safety, and an active civil society sector. The authors contrast this with the Chinese context, with its unique version of "capitalism with social characteristics," collective farmland ownership, and predominance of smallholder agriculture and emerging diverse marketing channels. China’s experience also reflects a commitment to domestic food security, evolving food safety legislation, and a civil society with limited autonomy from a semi-authoritarian state that keeps shifting the terrain of what is permitted. The book will be of great interest to advanced students and researchers of agricultural and food systems and policy, as well as rural sociology and Chinese studies.
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For Child Development in Psychology, Education, Human Development, Child and Family Studies and Early Childhood Education particularly in applied College courses. Written by a well-respected researcher in Cognitive Development and a noted Canadian clinical psychologist, the text on which the Canadian edition is based presents the core research, theory and applications of Developmental Psychology in a chronological framework within an attractive, profusely illustrated modular format. There are four key elements to this innovative text. First, each chapter is organized into a series of 3-5 manageable modules and incorporates a number of effective learning tools to help students retain and apply the information. Secondly, Kail and Zolner integrate the field by consistently presenting four fundamental themes in child development research. These themes are used throughout the book to provide students with a multi-layered foundation. Thirdly, Kail and Zolner introduce research methods in Chapter 2, and revisit methods again in every chapter. And finally, this text includes many applications demonstrating how research translates into practice.
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Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and Engineers
Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and Engineers
Convenient access to information from every area of mathematics: Fourier transforms, Z transforms, linear and nonlinear programming, calculus of variations, random-process theory, special functions, combinatorial analysis, game theory, much more.
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Training Little Children
Training Little Children
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Helping Autistic Teens to Manage their Anxiety
Helping Autistic Teens to Manage their Anxiety
Drawing on the author's extensive clinical and research experience, this book presents practical strategies purposefully developed for parents, therapists and teachers working with autistic adolescents experiencing anxiety. In addition, it features chapters dedicated to assisting parents in supporting their anxious child. The book outlines the co-occurence of anxiety and autism, highlights specific anxiety risks and triggers, and presents practical solutions for overcoming barriers to therapeutic engagement. A collection of CBT, ACT and DBT-informed practical worksheets are included, making this book ideal for use at home, at school or in OT, Psychology and Speech sessions.
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Electrotherapy Clinical Procedures Manual
Electrotherapy Clinical Procedures Manual
-- This amazingly handy, pocket-sized reference provides the electrotherapy set-up protocols that clincians and students need for both diagnosis and treatment-- All clinical protocols are based on research and clinical experience and presented in an easy-to-read format-- Line drawings, with clear identification of electrode placement, accompany each protocol-- Reviews electrotherapy technique by diagnoses.
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