MC Fan Fiction Christmas
Fan Fiction - Proceeds to benefit Breast Cancer Research and Personal GrantsThis book is a loving day in the life compilation by 10 Ladies of our own SOS group, now known as "Authors." We were watched over by a very proud L Ann Marie.Hope you enjoy the MC's antics, I did!An MC ChristmasLana...One of their own has a close call. The MC finds and embraces another worthy cause, Breast Cancer Awareness, Early Detection & Prevention. "Save The Tatas" is born!Yep, women still are and always will be a priority for the MC. So, during Christmas preparations, they decide to host a fund raiser to benefit their cause. There's a bake sale, Specialty T-shirts, & a Jargon contest. Bets are made...we knew that was gonna happen!The first bad boy is Knight. He's training dogs, but has a new idea. Meanwhile, Jess provides a recipe for disaster. Love wags its tail.Rich and Patches find the simplest of things can be explosive. Google is their best friend, and Tess says, "Everything will turn out okay!"Ben is yet again in a bit of trouble with Kate. Heartstrings and song notes leave Kate with a smile. Danny eats the cake...A possible doghouse for two!Cloud Blackhawk receives a special gift from the good ol' boys from The Playpen. Mucimi, is once again amused by someone's "dreaded hangover." Cloud makes a very special deliveryBob Tailley puts the Brothers on a monthly schedule. He better be looking over his shoulder―Oh no! Amanda takes on a special project in conjunction with the "Tata Awareness" program.The men of the MC face a wall of surprises, and take their lessons with lumps. All kidding aside, they're 'All In.' Digs and Penny have a date with a Christmas tree!Tiny once again spikes the drinks and he receives a fitting gift, however, the women are not amused. New vows are made. Better luck next year.Moniz is covered with crocheted works of love. His boys show him their love. While a delighted Marty catches new memories.There's a Santa, elves and one happy Grinch. Good hearted grumbling is heard. But, none were immune. Alas! Men in costumes with tights.Yet, throughout, our men of the MC have not lost their passion, their protection of women, or their ability to play!Kisses all around!"Mistletoe not needed."Note: All proceeds for this book will be donated to: Breast Cancer Research and Grants - A most worthy cause!