Grasshopper Control in the Pacific States
"The severe grasshopper infestations of recent years have made it urgently necessary to put before the farming population in many communities the most practical and efficient methods of destroying these pests. In the Pacific Coast States conditions are such that the grasshoppers are able to develop in the immense uncultivated areas and migrate tot he irrigated districts, attacking the cultivated crop and doing extensive damage. The use of the hopperdozer, the use of fire, the destruction of the eggs in the soil, driving the wingless species and nymphs into pits, and the use of poisoned bran mixture are some of the control measures that have been proved efficient under western conditions. The most successful of these has been the poisoned bran mixture, which is discussed in detail on pages 8 to 11. The following pages also outline a program for organized community action; describe the common species of grasshoppers; and discuss control on the ranges, in alfalfa fields, in orchards, vineyards, and mountain meadows, and in corn, grain and bean fields."--Page [2].