The Lover of Horses
"The Lover of Horses"Tess Gallagher "[Tess Gallagher is] an excellent writer of prose who savors the elegance of simplicity and whose stories resonate and linger."--Bette Pesetsky, "New York Times Book Review" "In this debut collection poet Tess Gallagher shows herself to be a compelling teller of tales. She has a fine ear, a fine eye, and a magician's impeccable timing."--Judith Foosaner, "Los Angeles Times" "The day-to-day lives in "The Lover of Horses" are mined wth small, extraordinary moments of epiphany and unsettling insight."--Elizabeth Alexander, "Washington Post Book World" Tess Gallagher's previous publications include "Amplitude: New and Selected Poems," "A Concert of Tenses" (essays on poetry), and "Moon Crossing Bridge," She lives in Port Angeles, Washington, where she has recently completed the introduction to "No Heroics, Please," the first of two volumes of "The Uncollected Works of Raymond Carver," edited by William Stull.