Geology Applied to Engineering
Geology Applied to Engineering bridges the gap between the two fields through its versatile application of the physical aspects of geology to engineering design and construction. The Second Edition elucidates real-world practices, concerns, and issues for today’s engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers. Both undergraduate and graduate students will benefit from the book’s thorough coverage, as will professionals involved in assessing sites for engineering projects, evaluating construction materials, developing water resources, and conducting tests using industry standards. West and Shakoor offer expanded coverage of important topics such as slope stability and ground subsidence and significant fields in engineering geology, such as highways, dams, tunnels, and rock blasting. In order to allow for the diverse backgrounds of geologists and engineers, material on the properties of minerals, rocks, and soil provides a working knowledge of applied geology as a springboard to more comprehensive subjects in engineering. Example problems throughout the text demonstrate the practical applications of soil mechanics, rock weathering and soils, structural geology, groundwater, and geophysics. Thought-provoking and challenging exercises supplement core concepts such as determining shear strength and failure conditions, calculating the depth needed for borings, reading and analyzing maps, and constructing stratigraphic cross sections.