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A Writer's Survival Guide to Getting Published
A Writer's Survival Guide to Getting Published
In one of the most informative books on the market today, award-winning author and Hartline Literary agent Terry Burns rends the veil between writer and publisher and allows a peek into the mysterious world of publishing.Beginning with practical advice for overcoming shyness and ending with surviving the editor's final cut, Terry covers the entire procedure and gives valuable tips for success. Topics covered include writing an eye-catching query letter, pitching effectively to an agent or editor, developing a broad platform and writing winning proposals and marketing plans.Terry Burns is an agent with Hartline Literary and has over 30 books in print including 10 novels. He has a new 4-book series from Port Yonder Press entitled "The Sagebrush Collection" and the first, On the Road Home, released March 2010. A Young Adult, Beyond the Smoke, won the Will Rogers Medallion. Terry's a popular speaker at workshops around the country.
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Shepherd's Son
Shepherd's Son
Audrey and Jay, an widow and her son, find trouble when they move sheep into cattle country.
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The Bush Still Burns
The Bush Still Burns
Terry Allen Moe came as pastor to Redeemer Lutheran, a traditional, working-class congregation in a poorer, mixed-race neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, in 1981. Five US presidents, six Portland mayors, and four Lutheran bishops later, Redeemer had been transformed into an innovative, spiritual-not-religious, member-based nonprofit called Leaven Community, and a new ELCA congregation--Salt and Light Lutheran--nested in the midst of Leaven. This is the story of how an intertwining of spirituality and organizing transformed a pastor and congregation. Using the metaphor of paying attention to the voice of God in the burning bush (Exodus 3), Moe describes how he and the congregation turned to the burning bush of deepened spirituality coupled with hard-nosed organizing embodied in the IAF network. The process was not easy or smooth, but the pastor and people changed, and together they impacted the larger Portland community. This is the story of listening, discerning, acting, and evaluating to address the upstream causes of pressing issues and of identifying and lifting up the public dimensions of people's pain. This is the story of prayer circles that addressed societal challenges contributing to people's private struggles. This is the story of unearthing and confronting the impacts of political decisions, overcoming the mentality that "church and politics don't mix." Sunday worship shifted to include the stories of addiction, job loss, rising energy costs, and ecological grieving from the members and their neighbors. This book demonstrates how the power of spiritual discernment and community organizing can transform a community of faith. It's timely inspiration for congregations struggling to find their way out of decline and the immobilization caused by fear and lack of creative leadership.
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Beyond the Smoke
Beyond the Smoke
When his parents are killed by Comanche raiders, sixteen-year-old Bryan sets out to create a new life for himself in the western wilderness.
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Active Shooter Events and Response
Active Shooter Events and Response
The Columbine tragedy on April 20, 1999 began a new era in law enforcement as it became apparent that the police response to such mass shootings must be drastically altered. By the time the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, outdated police response strategies had been replaced with new, aggressive tactics used by
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An Alchemical Enigma
An Alchemical Enigma
Biography of Renaissance alchemist Sir Edward Kelley; added materials including Kelley's treatise "The Stone of the Philosophers" and "Concerning the Philosopher's Stone," a poem perhaps written to William Shakespeare. Introduction by Teresa Burns; essays on Kelley's legacy in Bohemia and on the house "The Donkey in the Cradle" by Eliska Bridg
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Leadership and the Ethics of Influence
Leadership and the Ethics of Influence
How do leaders influence others? Although they sometimes appeal directly to good reasons, which we associate with rational persuasion, leaders also use guilt, pressure, flattery, bullying, and rewards and punishment—all to get the behaviors that they want. Even when leaders refrain from outright lying, they are nevertheless known to practice something approaching, perhaps reaching, the level of manipulation. Influence therefore presents a serious ethical problem across leadership contexts. Leadership and the Ethics of Influence argues that influence puts leaders at risk of using people. It is generally disrespectful of autonomy to figure out what makes people "tick" in an effort to "handle" them. In contrast with physical force, influence works through agency, not around it. Despite this feature of influence—and, to a large extent because of it—the everyday influence associated with leadership is often morally troublesome. What matters morally is not only whether agency is bypassed or overridden but also who is ultimately in control. This book uses philosophy and leadership studies to show how leaders across different contexts can be justified in getting followers to do things. Connecting moral theory to leadership theory, and especially to charismatic leadership, authentic leadership, transforming leadership, and ethical leadership, this book is essential reading for leadership scholars, students, and practitioners.
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The Human Body in Health & Disease - E-Book
The Human Body in Health & Disease - E-Book
Completely revised and updated, The Human Body in Health & Disease, 8th Edition makes it easier to understand how the body works, both in typical conditions and when things change. Its easy-to-read writing style, more than 500 full-color illustrations, and unique Clear View of the Human Body transparencies keep you focused on the principles of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Key features are Connect It! with bonus online content, concept maps with flow charts to simplify complex topics, and chapter objectives and active learning sections. From noted educator Kevin Patton, this book presents A&P in a way that lets you know and understand what is important. - More than 500 full-color photographs and drawings illustrate the most current scientific knowledge and bring difficult concepts to life. The beautifully rendered illustrations are unified by a consistent color key and represent a diversity of human identity. - A conversational writing style is paired with "chunked" content, making it easy to read and comprehend. - UNIQUE! Creative page design uses color backgrounds to organize information in a more inviting, accessible, and motivating way to enhance learning. - UNIQUE! The full-color, semi-transparent Clear View of the Human Body permits the on-demand virtual dissection of typical male and female human bodies along several body planes. This 22-page insert contains a series of transparencies that allows you to peel back the layers of the body anterior-to-posterior and posterior-to-anterior. - Language of Science/Language of Medicine word lists at the beginning of chapters present key terms, pronunciations, and word-part translations to help you become familiar with new and complex terminology. - Animation Direct feature throughout the text guides you to state-of-the-art animations on the companion Evolve website to provide dynamic visual explanations of key concepts. - Active Concept Maps offer animated, narrated walk-throughs of concept maps to clarify the text narrative and provide you with clear examples of how to build your own concept maps.
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Historical Dictionary of the Civil War
Historical Dictionary of the Civil War
The Civil War was the most traumatic event in American history, pitting Americans against one another, rending the national fabric, leaving death and devastation in its wake, and instilling an anger that has not entirely dissipated even to this day, 150 years later. This updated and expanded two-volume second edition of the Historical Dictionary of the Civil War relates the history of this war through a chronology, an introductory essay, an extensive bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on persons, places, events, institutions, battles, and campaigns. This book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about the Civil War.
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Hybrid Vigor
Hybrid Vigor
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