Sapphires and Other Precious Jewels
Women of African Ancestry Shine With the Beauty, Value, and Uniqueness of Precious Jewels. If any race of women should recognize that their value is far above rubies, pearls, and sapphires, says author Terri McFaddin, it is those of African ancestry. Like precious gemstones formed within the earth, we have endured hard times, the heat of adversity, and intense pressures, and have come out of the fire as a rare and beautiful treasure. We have made tremendous progress in the struggle for racial equality. Yet many women of color do not fully understand their true worth and God-given potential. Exploring vital biblical truths, Sapphires and Other Precious Jewels empowers us to recognize and fully embrace the qualities that make us precious, valuable, and strong–sapphires of great price. Explore the Treasured Qualities of Black Women Through the Twelve Jewels in the Breastplate of the High Priest. As you examine the scriptural principles drawn from Exodus 28, you’ll discover, perhaps for the first time, that your beauty is both natural and spiritual, that God created and affirms your beauty and uniqueness, and that he calls you to demonstrate and celebrate the extraordinary ways in which you are fearfully and wonderfully made. From the Trade Paperback edition.