Solving the Brain Puzzle
Receiving a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or some other brain-related illness is devastating. It feels like life, as you know it, is over, and you are powerless to do anything about it. Your future may seem like nothing but a long black tunnel of decreasing cognitive function, declining mobility, depression, and premature death. Even your physician may share this gloomy view. The good news is, you have more control over your brain health than you think! With the exception of cancer, many brain illnesses can be reversed through a combination of diet, exercise, supplements, proper sleep, avoiding and removing toxins from the body, and taking an epigenetic (turning good genes on and not-so-good genes off) approach to your healing. Several “jump start” techniques, including oxygen therapy, microbiota therapy (Gut Flora Transplant or GFT), photobiomodulation therapy (PMT), venous angioplasty, and even cannabis can enhance your recovery in as little as a few weeks. Never before have we had so many safe approaches with little or no side effects. Best of all, these treatments are now available on almost every continent, including Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America. It is time we let go of our paternalistic concept that “doctor knows best.” This book describes all the above treatments and more, providing a roadmap to enhance your brain recovery. You may not feel like it right now, but you can win the brain game, and this book can show you how!