The Letters of Saint Teresa
THIS first volume of the Letters of St. Teresa, translated by the Benedictines of Stanbrook Abbey, is sure of a hearty welcome from those who love this great Saint. The letters of great people are the best revelation of their personality. This is particularly true of the letters of the Saints of God, who in their correspondence reveal the working of the Spirit of God in their hearts, in a way which their more formal works and treatises do not do so fully. Letters are obviously more personal and display the true spirit of the writer in action. In regard to the letters of St. Teresa it is true that they have long been known in various translations and editions, but any one who will take the trouble to compare the former translations with this present edition cannot fail to be struck with a great change for the better in the manner in which St. Teresa displays her wonderful personality. She appears to us, if one may use the expression, much more human and sympathetic. Aeterna Press