Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business
Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business is established as one of the leading introductory textbooks on mathematics for students of business and economics. Combining a user–friendly approach to mathematics with practical applications to the subjects, the text provides students with a clear and comprehensible guide to mathematics. The fundamental mathematical concepts are explained in a simple and accessible style, using a wide selection of worked examples, progress exercises and real–world applications. New to this Edition Fully updated text with revised worked examples and updated material on Excel and Powerpoint New exercises in mathematics and its applications to give further clarity and practice opportunities Fully updated online material including animations and a new test bank The fourth edition is supported by a companion website at, which contains: Animations of selected worked examples providing students with a new way of understanding the problems Access to the Maple T.A. test bank, which features over 500 algorithmic questions Further learning material, applications, exercises and solutions. Problems in context studies, which present the mathematics in a business or economics framework. Updated PowerPoint slides, Excel problems and solutions. "The text is aimed at providing an introductory-level exposition of mathematical methods for economics and business students. In terms of level, pace, complexity of examples and user-friendly style the text is excellent - it genuinely recognises and meets the needs of students with minimal maths background." —Colin Glass, Emeritus Professor, University of Ulster "One of the major strengths of this book is the range of exercises in both drill and applications. Also the 'worked examples' are excellent; they provide examples of the use of mathematics to realistic problems and are easy to follow." —Donal Hurley, formerly of University College Cork "The most comprehensive reader in this topic yet, this book is an essential aid to the avid economist who loathes mathematics!" —