Ordinary Differential Equations
The textbook presents a rather unique combination of topics in ODEs, examples and presentation style. The primary intended audience is undergraduate (2nd, 3rd, or 4th year) students in engineering and science (physics, biology, economics). The needed pre-requisite is a mastery of single-variable calculus. A wealth of included topics allows using the textbook in up to three sequential, one-semester ODE courses. Presentation emphasizes the development of practical solution skills by including a very large number of in-text examples and end-of-section exercises. All in-text examples, be they of a mathematical nature or a real-world examples, are fully solved, and the solution logic and flow are explained. Even advanced topics are presented in the same undergraduate-friendly style as the rest of the textbook. Completely optional interactive laboratory-type software is included with the textbook. Email Mikhail.Khenner@wku.edu with proof of textbook purchase to request access to optional software download.