Computing and Combinatorics
The papers in this volume were presented at the 9th Annual International C- puting and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2003), held July 25–28, 2003, in Big Sky, MT, USA. The topics cover most aspects of theoretical computer science and combinatorics related to computing. Submissionstotheconferencethisyearwereconductedelectronically.Atotal of 114 papers were submitted, of which 52 were accepted. The papers were evaluated by an international program committee consisting of Nina Amenta, Tetsuo Asano, Bernard Chazelle, Zhixiang Chen, Francis Chin, Kyung-Yong Chwa, Robert Cimikowski, Anne Condon, Michael Fellows, Anna Gal, Michael Hallett,DanielHuson,NaokiKatoh,D.T.Lee,BernardMoret,BrendanMumey, Gene Myers, Hung Quang Ngo, Takao Nishizeki, Cindy Phillips, David Sanko?, Denbigh Starkey, Jie Wang, Lusheng Wang, Tandy Warnow and Binhai Zhu. It is expected that most of the accepted papers will appear in a more complete form in scienti?c journals. The submitted papers were from Canada (6), China (7), Estonia (1), F- land (1), France (1), Germany (8), Israel (4), Italy (1), Japan (11), Korea (22), Kuwait (1), New Zealand (1), Singapore (2), Spain (1), Sweden (2), Switzerland (3), Taiwan (7), the UK (1) and the USA (34). Each paper was evaluated by at least three Program Committee members, assisted in some cases by subre- rees. In addition to selected papers, the conference also included three invited presentations by Jon Bentley, Dan Gus?eld and Joel Spencer.