Beyond Desolate
Once upon a time in a faraway land, a long, long, time ago, a beautiful girl lived in a royal palace. And as many daughters of kings do, she waited for the day when her Prince Charming would arrive on the scene, recognize her beauty, and fall in love with her. Prince Charming never came. She didn't live happily ever after. Something devastating happened. Her brother raped her. Her brother. Like an unannounced tornado that touches down before unsuspecting city-dwellers have a chance to take cover, sexual abuse blindsides victims in its wake. Against the backdrop of torment, Jesus, a fellow-sufferer, speakes into our anguish and paves the road toward a life beyond desolate. Beyond Desolate proclaims hope into a world not absent of ache, but a world where He bleeds with us and brings us a new song.