The Conscious Recovery Method
The purpose of Conscious Recovery is to offer a spiritual perspective that can assist your clients in addressing the underlying root causes of their addictive behaviors. It is intended to enhance any program, therapy, or other support system in which they are currently engaged. Its aim is not to provide definitive answers, but to introduce questions that can assist your clients in accessing their own inner wisdom and rediscover their true nature. They are their own best teacher, and they hold the key to ending their own suffering. Conscious Recovery can assist them in deepening their understanding of addiction, provide them with a roadmap toward liberation, and offer tools to assist them in living their most dynamic and connected life.This curriculum is designed to be a companion to the book Conscious Recovery, and The Conscious Recovery Workbook, but can certainly stand on its own as a recovery tool. It's intended to assist you in helping your clients break the cycle of their addictive behavior and heal the root cause of their destructive patterns.You may notice certain concepts repeating throughout the curriculum. This is intentional. This repetition will allow these concepts and practices to be understood and integrated from different levels of awareness as you and your clients progress through the curriculum and shift the trajectory of their recovery and healing.We are so grateful you have chosen to take this journey with us. We hope you enjoy working with this material.