Choice of Law in Practice
This book is a true treasure trove of original research, incisive observations, and useful practical pointers. Written by an author who has read more than sixty thousand conflicts cases in the last thirty years, the book skillfully guides American and foreign readers through the labyrinthine alleys of American choice-of-law litigation and distills the resulting lessons for attorneys, academics, and lawmakers. This is a book about law in action. The author reviews the decisions of all American appellate courts in the last twenty years and discusses those that add something new to the development or understanding of conflicts law, particularly choice of law. “It is a daunting task to find an answer to a choice-of-law question in American law. In all states, except two and Puerto Rico, the answer must be found in the particular state’s case law. How to find it? To evaluate it, to compare it with other states’ law, with one’s own? For over 33 years, Professor Symeonides has rendered an enormous service to all segments of the profession – courts, practitioners, academics – with his annual survey of virtually all choice-of-law decisions of American courts, most of them thoughtfully annotated and evaluated. His surveys proved to be an extraordinary help. The present volume consolidates most of these contributions. It is enhanced by a new Introduction and a comprehensive Index. This consolidated presentation of his expert reviews and commentary is an extraordinary contribution." Peter Hay, L.Q.C. Lamar Professor of Law Emeritus, Emory University School of Law. "It is impossible to overstate the value and significance of the Choice-of-Law Surveys written by Dean Symeon C. Symeonides over thirty years. These surveys have not only educated law professors and lawyers about changing dynamics in the field of choice of law, but they have been instrumental in refining the modern method of analyzing and resolving these cases . . . [and] have formed the basis for the emerging Third Restatement of Conflict of Laws. . . . [I]n all the ways that count, Symeonides is the father of choice of law in the twenty-first century. . . . He deserves our gratitude and respect and our recognition of his pivotal place in the choice of law field." Joseph W. Singer, Harvard Law School.