Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades
It's one of the most common frustrations for parents: children who are capable, perhaps even gifted, students, yet do not perform up to their abilities. These children suffer from Underachievement Syndrome. Unless the syndrome is corrected, it can make not just school, but life, miserable for them. In Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades, Dr. Sylvia Rimm offers desperately needed help for these students. Drawing on many years' experience as a parent, teacher, and psychologist, and her own clinical research, Dr. Rimm has developed a Trifocal Model for reversing underachievement. In this six-step program, parents and teachers work together to get kids back on track. It works for both gifted and average children, and for students from preschool through college. Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades is full of real-life examples and practical advice. Hundreds of families who have come to Sylvia Rimm's Family Achievement Clinics can testify to her effectiveness. If you are the parent or teacher of an underachiever, don't give up -- get this book. Is Your Child an Underachiever? Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades Offers A Six-step Program For Reversing Underachievement, including: -- How to determine whether your child has Underachievement Syndrome -- How to communicate better with your child and your child's teachers -- How to raise your child's expectations, and your own -- How to provide role models and consistent messages about achievement -- How to undo damage already done by underachievement in school -- How to modify behavior patterns linked to underachievement