Roommates and Other Anomalies
In ROOMMATES AND OTHER ANOMALIES, we encounter Julietta Jenkins, (JJ), who begins her journey with a major crisis in her life. Her landlord has the police on his tail, and poor JJ has to find another place to live, PRONTO. Newly arrived from the state of Vermont, she learns quickly that life in California is not as simple as she had hoped. Through many episodes while attempting to find the perfect roommate, she develops a keen sense of fair play and learns that life is not always what it seems. JJ grows to be the ultimate problem solver, a roommate advisor whose recommendations are frequently comical and surprising. This book is written in a journal format with a humorous tone. The reader will enjoy JJ's (and the authors) many experiences in living with roommates. Sylvia Bergthold has been supplementing her income for 35 years, by sharing her California home with roommates. As a consequence, she penned the self-guide manual "Sorry, The Boa Has Gotta Go " A Roommate Survival Guide. Her book, popular among homeowners and numerous apartment dwellers eager for financial relief, has been instrumental in easing the economic burdens for many households. Writing roommate advice articles for numerous national newspapers, including domestic and foreign magazines, subsequently led to her stint as the roommate advisor on Recently retiring from that post, her expertise was again called upon by life explained on film. She and the Video Jug team created several successful videos on the various aspects of shared living. Her latest endeavor is the novel ROOMMATES AND OTHER ANOMALIES, a fictionalized account of her years sharing life with a multitude of roommates.