Stress And Health
In order to gain a clearer understanding of stress and its physical and psychological consequences, reversal theory takes into account the fact that many people need stress in their lives in order to operate. This text organizes stress and health research that has been undertaken within the reversal theory framework. The first two chapters outline and provide a focus about reversal theory, thus acting as a bridge to the rest of the text. For those new to reversal theory, tables and figures are included Which Summarize Some Of The Characteristics Of The Metamotivational states identified in the theory, and show how they can be applied systematically. The following section deals with the effects of stress, including: stressful events; academic stress; and back pain and work stress. It then tackles the subjects of the physiology and psychology of smoking and attempts to quit this sort of addiction, and the risk-taking behaviours of parachuting and unsafe sexual practice. Finally the book Examines Health-Promoting Behaviours And The Factors Which Facilitate Or inhibit them.