Fairly Wicked Tales
Reprinting the original Angelic Knight Press release, this is the re-skinned imprint edition beneath the Ragnarok banner. Fairly Wicked Tales is a book for adults who harbor the wicked child within. DESCRIPTION Reprinting the original Angelic Knight Press release (2014), this is the re-skinned inprint edition beneath the Ragnarok banner. Fairly Wicked Tales is a book for adults who harbor the wicked child within. ONCE UPON A SCREAM...Think you know the real story behind those fables and fairy tales you read as a child? Stories are written from the viewpoint of the heroes, but the lines between hero and villain, good and evil, are often blurred. We've gathered twenty-three tales that turn those stories you think you know on their heads by letting the villains have their say. - What if Snow White wasn't as pure as the newly driven snow? - What if Red Riding Hood was far more dangerous than the Big Bad Wolf? - What if Rapunzel was hell-bent on revenge? Forget Disney. Forget the Brothers Grimm, Say hello to Fairly Wicked Tales - re-imaginings of both fairy tales and fables. CONTENTS "Song of Bones" by Vekah McKeown "Red" by Katie Young "Sweetheart, the Dream Is Not Yet Ended" by Gary W. Olson "Crumbs" by Adam Millard "A Thrice Spun Tale" by Suzi M "His Heart's Desire" by Fay Lee "Little Beauty" by Matthew Alan Hughes "Hare's Tale" by Jay Wilburn "The Golden Goose" by Robert Holt "A Prick of the Quill" by Lizz-Ayn Shaarawi "Sacrificed"by Laura Snapp "The Glass Coffin" by Dawn Cartwright "The Price of the Sea" by David Matteri "A Blue Light Turned Black" by Wilson Geiger "Let Down Your Hair" by Eugenia Rose "The Wolf Who Cried Boy" by Armand Rosamilia "It Comes at Night" by JP Behrens "Bloodily Ever After" by Reece A.A. Barnard "Al-Adrian and the Magic Lamp" by Tais Teng "The Fisherman and His Wife" by Bennie Newsome "Rum's Daughter" by Eric Bakutis "The Ash Maid's Revenge" by Konstantine Paradias "Gingerbread" by Hal Bodner