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The Unsung Hero
The Unsung Hero
Suzanne Brockmann’s wildly popular Troubleshooters series showcases this master storyteller’s rare gift for blending intense adventure with sensuous romance. And it all begins with The Unsung Hero, a heart-pounding tale of love that reveals hidden truths and brings two solitary people together against all odds. BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Suzanne Brockmann’s Born to Darkness. After a near-fatal head injury, Navy SEAL lieutenant Tom Paoletti catches a glimpse of an international terrorist in his New England hometown. When he calls for help, the Navy dismisses the sighting as injury-induced imaginings. In a last-ditch effort to prevent disaster, Tom creates his own makeshift counterterrorism team, assembling his most loyal officers, two elderly war veterans, a couple of misfit teenagers, and Dr. Kelly Ashton. As the town’s infamous bad boy, Tom was always in love with Kelly, a sweet “girl next door” who has grown into a remarkable woman. Now he has one final chance for happiness, one last chance to win her heart, and one desperate chance to save the day. “Thanks to Suzanne Brockmann’s glorious pen, we all get to revel in heartstopping adventure and blistering romance.”—RT Book Reviews
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The Ends of the Body
The Ends of the Body
Drawing on Arabic, English, French, Irish, Latin and Spanish sources, the essays share a focus on the body’s productive capacity – whether expressed through the flesh’s materiality, or through its role in performing meaning. The collection is divided into four clusters. ‘Foundations’ traces the use of physical remnants of the body in the form of relics or memorial monuments that replicate the form of the body as foundational in communal structures; ‘Performing the Body’ focuses on the ways in which the individual body functions as the medium through which the social body is maintained; ‘Bodily Rhetoric’ explores the poetic linkage of body and meaning; and ‘Material Bodies’ engages with the processes of corporeal being, ranging from the energetic flow of humoural liquids to the decay of the flesh. Together, the essays provide new perspectives on the centrality of the medieval body and underscore the vitality of this rich field of study.
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The Dance Theatre of Kurt Jooss
The Dance Theatre of Kurt Jooss
First Published in 1997. This is Volume 3, Part 2 in the Choreography and Dance journal and looks at the dance and the theatre of Kurt Jooss, in context of his times of birth, his evolution of as an artist, Jooss as a teacher and his ballets.
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My House
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2017 Wolfgang Hahn Prize
2017 Wolfgang Hahn Prize
Die GeƯsellschaft für ModƯerne Kunst am MuƯseƯum LudƯwig verƯleiƯht den WolfƯgang-Hahn-Preis 2017 an TrƯisha DonƯnelƯly. Mit dem seit 23 Jahren jährƯlich vergebeƯnen Preis ehrt der Förderverein das außergewöhnƯliche OeuƯvre der 1974 in San FranƯcisƯco, KalƯiƯfornien, geƯboreƯnen und heute in New York lebenƯden KünƯstƯlerin. 0Mayen BeckƯmann, VorƯsƯtandsvorƯsitzende der GeƯsellschaft für ModƯerne Kunst, zur EntscheiƯdung:?Die JuƯry war von TrƯisha DonƯnellys vielfältigem, widerƯständiƯgem Werk begeisƯtert. Mit SkulpƯtur, ZeichƯnung, PerƯforƯmance, Film und FoƯto schafft sie ArƯbeitƯen, die uns als BeƯtrachƯterinƯnen in ganz anƯdere WahrnehƯmungssphären einƯführen. Ihre KonseƯquenz, ihr radikaler UmƯgang mit FraƯgen beispielƯsweise der ÄsƯthetik oder der RezepƯtion waren ein wichtiger Grund, TrƯisha DonƯnelƯly mit dem WolfƯgang-Hahn-Preis zu ehren. Dies ist ganz im Sinne WolfƯgang Hahns, der in der AvantƯgarde die VerbinƯdung zwischen Leben und Kunst sah.? Exhibition: Museum Ludwig, Köln, Germany (25.04.-30.07-2017).
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Suzanne Spunner Manuscript Collection
Manuscripts of published and unpublished works. Archival material of the Women's Theatre Group and Lip magazine. Includes theatre programs, reviews, correspondence, notebooks, research material, photographs, artworks, and sound cassettes.
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Suzanne Lacy
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