Handbook of Therapeutic Life Story Work
'Life Story Work is something we do all the time, be it reminiscing with friends or family about a particular event or period of our lives, or keeping memorabilia, photographs, and written records. Reflecting on and re-examining past events and experiences helps us to make meaning of them in the present.' As a certified play therapist and a qualified social worker, Karla and Suzanne have come together as independent Therapeutic Life Story Work practitioners to explore their experiences and the challenges they have faced to guide other practitioners entering this important area of practice. They share journeys they have taken alongside the many families they have supported; drawn from completing Professor Richard Rose's Diploma in Therapeutic Life Story Work (TLSW). The authors take the reader through the process of Therapeutic Life Story Work from beginning to end, linking theory with practice. They identify areas to consider in preparing to do this work and the referral process, give practical first steps in information gathering, and provide a wealth of activities and techniques that can be undertaken in sessions. Written during the time of a global pandemic, it includes working on-line and the many creative ways of supporting children and adults in making meaning and creating a more coherent narrative of their lives. They share the complexities of working with birth families, neurodiversity, measuring outcomes and the recent strong evidence base for this intervention, as well as a unique model of creating therapeutic stories in therapeutic life story work. They highlight the importance of self-care and supervision when working with trauma, consider what to do when things go wrong, and the importance of creating emotional safety within this work. The content is drawn from many hours of work, challenges faced within the work, and an idea that it could be beneficial to others undertaking or interested in Therapeutic Life Story Work. Therapeutic Life Story Work is an area of practice that Karla and Suzanne are passionate about. They decided to write this book in response to the questions they are frequently asked about setting up as independent practitioners and how they work in practice. Their aim is to continue to support children and young people in their journey to make sense of their lives, as well as supporting practitioners and developing Therapeutic Life Story Work worldwide. The Handbook of Therapeutic Life Story Work is essential reading for those working with children, young people and adults, including social workers, therapists, family support workers, residential care staff, teachers, adopters, foster carers, special guardians, connected carers, students, psychologists and any other professionals involved in working with traumatised children.