ACT Assessment (REA) - the Very Best Coaching and Study Course for the ACT
Master the ACT and get into the college you want... Our ACT test experts show you the right way to prepare for this important test and score higher. REA''s new and fully expanded 5th edition examines all ACT assessment subject areas including in-depth coverage of the ACT''s new Writing Test. The comprehensive review covers every possible exam topic: Reading, English, Math, and Science. Features 5 full-length practice exams. Each practice exam question is fully explained to help you better understand the subject material. Use the book''s appendix and index for speedy look-ups and smarter searches. Follow up your study with REA''s proven test-taking strategies, powerhouse drills and study schedule that get you ready to master the ACT. DETAILS - Comprehensive review of every subject to appear on the ACT assessment: Reading, Math, English, and Science - Contains the ACT''s latest change - the all-new Writing Test - Dynamic diagnostic exam pinpoints your exam strengths and weaknesses - Flexible study schedule tailored to your needs - Packed with proven test tips, strategies and advice to help you master the ACT - 5 full-length practice ACT assessment exams. Each exam question is answered in complete detail with easy-to-follow, easy-to-grasp explanations. - Fully indexed for quicker and smarter searches. - Bonus College Guide on how to choose your college wisely TABLE OF CONTENTS ACT INDEPENDENT STUDY SCHEDULE Chapter 1: SCORING HIGH ON THE ACT ASSESSMENT About Our Book About the ACT How to Use this Book Format of the ACT About the Review Sections Scoring the English, Math, Reading, and Science Reasoning Tests Scoring the Optional Writing Test Studying for the ACT Test-Taking Tips The Day of the Exam Chapter 2: CHOOSING A COLLEGE How Do I Find College Information? Types of Institutions What Am I Looking for in a College? What Do Colleges Look for? Visiting Colleges Athletics How to Apply Chapter 3: ACT ASSESSMENT DIAGNOSTIC EXAM ACT Assessment Diagnostic Exam Answer Key Detailed Explanations of Answers Chapter 4: ATTACKING THE ACT ENGLISH TEST Description of the ACT English Test About the Directions Strategies for the English Section Skills Tested Standard Written English Review Rhetorical Skills Review Answer Key for Drills Chapter 5: ATTACKING THE ACT MATHEMATICS TEST Description of the ACT Mathematics Test About the Directions Strategies for the Mathematics Section Skills Tested Arithmetic Review Algebra Review Geometry and Trigonometry Review Answer Key for Drills Chapter 6: ATTACKING THE ACT READING TEST Description of the ACT Reading Test About the Directions Strategies for the Reading Section Skills Tested Reading Review Answer Key for Drill Chapter 7: ATTACKING THE ACT SCIENCE REASONING TEST Description of the ACT Science Reasoning Test About the Directions Strategies for the Science Reasoning Section Skills Tested Sample Passages and Questions Biology Review Chemistry Review Physics Review Earth Science Review Geology Review Astronomy Review Meteorology Review Answer Key for Drills PRACTICE EXAM I Answer Key Detailed Explanations of Answers PRACTICE EXAM II Answer Key Detailed Explanations of Answers PRACTICE EXAM III Answer Key Detailed Explanations of Answers PRACTICE EXAM IV Answer Key Detailed Explanations of Answers ANSWER SHEETS (WITH SUBSCORE-AREA CODING) ATTACKING THE ACT WRITING TEST APPENDIX INDEX SCORING WORKSHEET RAW SCORE CONVERSION CHART SUBSCORE CONVERSION CHART: RAW SCORE TO SCALED SCORE EXCERPT About Research & Education Association Research & Education Association (REA) is an organization of educators, scientists, and engineers specializing in various academic fields. Founded in 1959 with the purpose of disseminating the most recently developed scientific information to groups in industry, government, high schools, and universities, REA has since become a successful and highly respected publisher of study aids, test preps, handbooks, and reference works. REA''s Test Preparation series includes study guides for all academic levels in almost all disciplines. Research & Education Association publishes test preps for students who have not yet completed high school, as well as high school students preparing to enter college. Students from countries around the world seeking to attend college in the United States will find the assistance they need in REA''s publications. For college students seeking advanced degrees, REA publishes test preps for many major graduate school admission examinations in a wide variety of disciplines, including engineering, law, and medicine. Students at every level, in every field, with every ambition can find what they are looking for among REA''s publications. While most test preparation books present practice tests that bear little resemblance to the actual exams, REA''s series presents tests that accurately depict the official exams in both degree of difficulty and types of questions. REA''s practice tests are always based upon the most recently administered exams, and include every type of question that can be expected on the actual exams. REA''s publications and educational materials are highly regarded and continually receive an unprecedented amount of praise from professionals, instructors, librarians, parents, and students. Our authors are as diverse as the fields represented in the books we publish. They are well-known in their respective disciplines and serve on the faculties of prestigious high schools, colleges, and universities throughout the United States and Canada. Chapter 1: SCORING HIGH ON THE ACT ASSESSMENT ABOUT OUR BOOK This book has the tools to effectively prepare you for the ACT Assessment. It contains five full-length practice exams complete with answer keys and detailed explanations for each question, along with a topical review for each of the five individual tests that make up the ACT. All of the practice exams we provide are based on the latest ACT test administrations and contain every type of question that you can expect to encounter on the actual exam. ABOUT THE ACT Who Takes the ACT and What is It Used for? The ACT is usually taken by high school juniors and seniors. The exam is used by college admissions officers as a way to fairly judge all the students who apply to their school. Because high schools across the United States use many different grading systems, ACT scores put everyone on more of an equal footing. Your ACT scores, along with other information provided by you and your high school, help colleges predict how well you will do at the college level. If you don''t do well on the ACT, don''t panic! The exam can be taken over so that you can work on improving your scores. It''s also not the be-all and end-all that you might think it is. Admissions officers use a number of criteria to judge applicants: Grade-point average, extracurricular activities, on-campus interviews, and the degree to which you''ve been taking challenging courses in high school are all factors that go into the mix. REA believes you have every reason to believe that, with enough of the right preparation, you can and should score well on the ACT. Nonetheless, you shouldn''t think that not doing so will necessarily jeopardize your chances of attending the college of your choice. The very fact that you picked up this book, however, means that you''re not one to leave much to chance. Having our test prep at your side as you approach test day will give you the extra shot of confidence we all sometimes need to climb the ladder of success. Who Administers the ACT? The ACT is developed and administered by ACT, Inc., and involves the assistance of educators throughout the country. The development process is designed and implemented to ensure that the content and difficulty level of the exam are appropriate. When and Where is the ACT Given? You should try to take the exam early in your junior or senior year so that you will have another opportunity to take it if you are not satisfied with your performance. Taking our practice exams will familiarize you with the types of questions and format of the ACT so that you do not have to go through the anxiety of learning about the ACT during the actual exam. The ACT is usually administered five times a year throughout the country. It is given at hundreds of locations, including high schools. The usual testing day is Saturday, but the exam can be taken on an alternate day if a conflict, such as a religious obligation, exists. To receive information on upcoming administrations of the ACT, consult the ACT Registration Bulletin, which can be obtained from your guidance counselor, or contact ACT, Inc., directly at: ACT Registration Phone: (319) 337-1270 (Weekdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ct) Website: Online registration or registration by phone is recommended To take the ACT, you must pay a registration fee. A fee waiver may be granted in certain situations