The Ultimate Workbook for Fantasy Fiction Writers
This fantasy fiction workbook for writers begins with word counts, goal setting, query and/or self-publishing tracking. From there, it covers world-building, followed by character/species creation, machinations of gods and goddesses, detailed histories and creations myths. Track all character detail, gods, facts, and summaries for up to four books in a series. Volume Two, designed to work with Volume One, has everything you need to plot your book or series. These workbooks include advice for less experienced writers. This ultimate two-volume set does what other workbooks do not. It replaces the need for numerous workbooks in a comprehensive two-volume set. Additionally, this set is designed to do most of the work as you write. This works in two ways. One, you don't spend weeks overwhelmed while filling in all those details. Two, any plot holes or inconsistencies are exposed as you keep track of those elements of world-building, species creation, myth-building (including divine creation), and as you breathe life into characters, creatures, monsters, gods and goddesses. These two volumes are meant to ensure those features are consistent as your novel or series progresses to final edit. As you end your writing each day, take a few minutes to add that day's details into the workbooks while they are still fresh and at your fingertips. As you add to the workbooks, you will save many hours hunting for those intricate details you wrote. This two-volume set explains how you develop character arcs and flaws, how to choose words to describe your characters, illustrates ways to use specific words to show a slow change in each character's arc, and how this will create dynamic, believable characters. It is the author's intention to get you writing immediately and to help you cultivate a work routine at the outset. Do not forget Volume Two, which aids in sending your characters on dangerous quests to danger-fraught lands, with antagonists dogging their footsteps. Plot your characters' progress, their failures, and successes, all the way to the climax, and denouement in a stand-alone novel or a series of books. Set your imagination ablaze!