Book of Jewish and Crypto-Jewish Surnames
From unlikely places like Scotland and the Appalachian Mountains to the Bible and archives of the Spanish Inquisition, this valuable resource published in 2018 is the first to cover the naming practices of Conversos, Marranos and secret Jews along with more familiar Central and Eastern European Jewries. It includes Joseph Jacobs’ classic work on Jewish Names, a chapter on Scottish clans and septs, thousands of Sephardic and Ashkenazic surnames from early colonial records and Rabbi Malcolm Stern’s 445 Early American Jewish Families. Appendix A contains 400 surnames from the Greater London cemetery Adath Yisroel. Appendix B provides a combined name index to the indispensable When Scotland Was Jewish, Jews and Muslims in British Colonial America and The Early Jews and Muslims of England and Wales, all by Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman and Donald N. Yates. It contains 276 pages and has an extensive index and bibliography. “Up-to-date and valuable research tool for genealogists and those interested in Jewish origins.” —Eran Elhaik, Assistant Professor, The University of Sheffield