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The Complete History of Women's Suffrage – All 6 Volumes in One Edition (Illustrated Edition)
The Complete History of Women's Suffrage – All 6 Volumes in One Edition (Illustrated Edition)
This carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Experience the American feminism in its core. Learn about the decades long fight, about the endurance and the strength needed to continue the battle against persistent indifference and injustice. Go back in time and get to know the founders and the followers, the characters of all the strong women involved in the movement. Find out what was the spark which started it all and kept the flame going. Learn about the organization, witness the backdoor conversations and discussions, read their personal correspondence, speeches and planned tactics. Learn about the relationship between great activists and what caused the fraction. This six volumes edition covers the women's suffrage movement from 1848 to 1922. Originally envisioned as a modest publication that would take only four months to write, it evolved into a work of more than 5700 pages written over a period of 41 years and was completed in 1922, long after the deaths of its visionary authors and editors, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. However, realizing that the project was unlikely to make a profit, Anthony had already bought the rights from the other authors. As a sole owner, she published the books herself and donated many copies to libraries and people of influence. Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815–1902) was an American suffragist, social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women's rights movement. Susan B. Anthony (1820–1906) was an American suffragist, social reformer and women's rights activist. Harriot Stanton Blatch (1856-1940) was a suffragist and daughter of Elizabeth Stanton. Matilda Gage (1826–1898) was a suffragist, a Native American rights activist and an abolitionist. Ida H. Harper (1851–1931) was a prominent figure in the United States women's suffrage movement and biographer of Susan B. Anthony.
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Social Cognition
Social Cognition
The social world is complicated and our minds are limited, so we take shortcuts. You have to make quick decisions – this person is dangerous, this one is not. The shortcuts we take mostly work well enough, because, after all, we survive. But some are deeply unjust, including racial or social class categories or other unfair stereotypes. This book will help you understand how these shortcuts work, why they exist, and how they are changing. There are examples in each chapter which * Show applications in the real world to help with your understanding * Highlight significant pieces of research to help you demonstrate knowledge of a wide range of sources * Explain researching in social cognition to improve your skills and give ideas for your own research. Check out the accompanying online resources for more.
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Child Pain, Migraine, and Invisible Disability
Child Pain, Migraine, and Invisible Disability
Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- List of figures -- Permissions -- Preface: A note to readers -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1 Migraine as invisible disability -- 2 A history of pediatric pain and the politics of pill culture -- 3 Materia medica and literary migraine -- 4 Testifying against trigemony -- 5 Visibility machines and pain proxies -- Conclusion: Animality, empathy, and interdependence -- Afterword: Scars (a migraine diary) -- Appendix -- Works cited -- Index
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Global Health in Otolaryngology, An Issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Global Health in Otolaryngology, An Issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
This issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics, guest edited by Drs. James E. Saunders, Susan R. Cordes and Mark E. Zafereo, is devoted to Global Health in Otolaryngology. Articles in this outstanding issue include: Surgical Care and Otolaryngology in Global Health; Otolaryngology and the Global Burden of Disease; Health Organization and Otolaryngology; Otolaryngology in Low-Resource Settings: Practical and Ethical Considerations; Using Technology in Global Otolaryngology; Educational Resources for Global Health in Otolaryngology; Global Hearing Loss Prevention and Services; Management of Chronic Ear Disease and Otosclerosis; An Evidenced-Based Practical Approach to Pediatric Otolaryngology in the Developing World; Outcome of Head Neck Squamous Cell Cancers in Low Resource Settings: Challenges and Opportunities; Thyroid Disease Around the World; Workforce Considerations, Training and Diseases in Africa; Workforce Considerations, Training and Diseases in Latin America; Workforce Considerations, Training and Diseases in Asia/Pacific; Workforce Considerations, Training and Diseases in the Middle East; Workforce Considerations, Training and Diseases in Europe; and Overview of Otolaryngology-related Disorders in Underserved Populations, Otolaryngology Training, and Workforce Considerations in North America.
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Contemporary Nursing Knowledge
Contemporary Nursing Knowledge
The 3rd Edition of this AJN Book-of-the-Year Award-Winner helps you answer those questions with a unique approach to the scientific basis of nursing knowledge. Using conceptual models, grand theories, and middle-range theories as guidelines you will learn about the current state and future of nurse educators, nurse researchers, nurse administrators, and practicing nurses.
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New Zealand and the Sea
New Zealand and the Sea
As a group of islands in the far south-west Pacific Ocean, New Zealand has a history that is steeped in the sea. Its people have encountered the sea in many different ways: along the coast, in port, on ships, beneath the waves, behind a camera, and in the realm of the imagination. While New Zealanders have continually altered their marine environments, the ocean, too, has influenced their lives. A multi-disciplinary work encompassing history, marine science, archaeology and visual culture, New Zealand and the Sea explores New Zealand’s varied relationship with the sea, challenging the conventional view that history unfolds on land. Leading and emerging scholars highlight the dynamic, ocean-centred history of these islands and their inhabitants, offering fascinating new perspectives on New Zealand’s pasts. ‘The ocean has profoundly shaped culture across this narrow archipelago . . . The meeting of land and sea is central in historical accounts of Polynesian discovery and colonisation; European exploratory voyaging; sealing, whaling and the littoral communities that supported these plural occupations; and the mass migrant passage from Britain.’ – Frances Steel
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Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice
Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice
The Sixth Edition of this nursing-focused nutrition text has been updated to reflect the latest evidence-based practice and nutrition recommendations and streamlined to emphasize what the nurse really needs to know. Maintaining its nursing process focus and emphasis on patient teaching, this edition includes new features to help readers integrate nutrition into nursing care. These new features include Nursing Process tables, Case Studies for every chapter, and NCLEX style study questions for every chapter. Web addresses at end of each chapter will draw students to the most up-to-date and reliable resources on the Web.
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Clinical Nutrition for Oncology Patients
Clinical Nutrition for Oncology Patients
Clincial Nutrition for Oncology Patients provides clinicians who interact with cancer survivors the information they need to help patients make informed choices and improve long-term outcomes. This comprehensive resource outlines nutritional management recommendations for care prior to, during, and after treatment and addresses specific nutritional needs and complementary therapies that may be of help to a patient. This book is written by a variety of clinicians who not only care for cancer survivors and their caregivers but are also experts in the field of nutritional oncology. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
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Fed Up with Frenzy
Fed Up with Frenzy
Slow Down. Reconnect. It's Easier than You Think. The hectic pace of everyday life can keep families constantly on the go, but removing some of the frenzy is easy—if you just take a moment to slow down. Hit the pause button on all of life's daily distractions and reconnect with your family in familiar and exciting ways. Parenting and family expert Susan Sachs Lipman shows you the enormous benefits of having a slower paced, more connected family. Packed with simple, affordable, and delightful games, crafts, and activities, Fed Up with Frenzy will help you spend more distraction—free time with your children. Slow down and reconnect with your family by: Creating your own outdoor theater Experimenting with kitchen science Playing nature games Making placemats from fall leaves And more! "Fed Up with Frenzy is a blueprint for any family that feels overwhelmed by the pace of contemporary life." —Darell Hammond, Founder and CEO, KaBOOM! "The heart of parenting is connection, but how do parents and children connect when they are going a mile a minute in different directions? Read this book, stop the frenzy, and reconnect." —Lawrence J. Cohen, PhD, author of Playful Parenting "Fed up with Frenzy is a welcome corrective to a society that has turned childhood into a race to nowhere. With charm, energy and wit, Susan Lipman serves up a treasure trove of ideas to bring joy and sanity back to family life. Every parent needs a copy."—Carl Honoré, author of In Praise of Slowness and Under Pressure
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The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
A PDF version of this book is available for free in open access via as well as the OAPEN Library platform, It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license and is part of the OAPEN-UK research project. This book traces the history and development of a mutual organization in the financial sector called SWIFT, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. Over the last forty years, SWIFT has served the financial services sector as proprietary communications platform, provider of products and services, standards developer, and conference organizer ("Sibos"). Founded to create efficiencies by replacing telegram and telex (or ‘wires’) for international payments, SWIFT now forms a core part of the financial services infrastructure. It is widely regarded as the most secure trusted third party network in the world serving 212 countries and over 10,000 banking organizations, securities institutions and corporate customers. Through every phase of its development, SWIFT has maintained the status of industry cooperative thus presenting an opportunity to study broader themes of globalization and governance in the financial services sector. In this book the authors focus on how the design and current state of SWIFT was influenced by its historical origins, presenting a comprehensive account in a succinct form which provides an informative guide to the history, structure, activities and future challenges of this key international organization. This work will be of great interest to students and scholars in a wide range of fields including IPE, comparative political economy, international economics, business studies and business history.
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