Integrative Health Promotion
Integrative Health Promotion is a comprehensive textbook that integrates the conceptual and theoretical bases of lifestyle approaches to health promotion and holistic approaches to healing. Health belief systems, models, and theories are emphasized. Additionally, the text stimulates thought and foundations for practice through the exploration of the theoretical and evidence bases for a variety of noninvasive therapeutic interventions. Cultural, legal, and ethical influences on health promotion are discussed. The text addresses the elements of healing as a goal of nursing, as contrasted with curing. Creating a helping relationship that is characterized by presence (being rather than doing), mindfulness, respect, genuineness, active listening, empathy, and the therapeutic use of self is one goal discussed within the text. Promoting community health through empowerment strategies and ecocentric approaches to global health are also presented. This book is dedicated both to the development and establishment of health promotion content in graduate nursing curriculum and practice. [Publ. Introd.]