The Rhetorical Act
THE RHETORICAL ACT: THINKING, SPEAKING AND WRITING CRITICALLY, Third Edition teaches liberal arts students how to craft and critique rhetorical messages that influence. The text is a compelling invitation to students of Communication and Language Arts to become articulate rhetors and critics of their symbolic universe. Consistent with the first two editions, the third edition takes as its starting point a traditional humanistic approach to rhetoric. The book reaffirms the ancient Aristotelian and Ciceronian relationships between art and practice - that you cannot master rhetorical skills without an understanding of the theory on which such skills are based. THE RHETORICAL ACT, Third Edition departs from traditional textbooks in several ways. It treats rhetorical action as the joint effort of rhetor and audience, emphasizing the audience's active, collaborative role. Students will encounter critical models for recognizing the opportunities and constraints of rhetorical action. This book will help your students become discerning speakers and critics who can assess situations, conceive rhetorical possibilities, examine and produce actual rhetorical messages, and compare their efforts and those of fellow students to the discourse of journalists, politicians, advertisers and other public persuaders.