Inside Al Qaeda's Plot to Nuke America
What would be the cost to the US of a nuke explosion in a city like New York? It could be in the trillions of dollars. 9/11 itself has led to America wasting trillions just in lost wars. A nuke explosion is coming. How should America prevent it?Bin Laden had a bounty of $25 million on his head. Three people are believed to have outed him. A Pakistani polio doctor, a retired brigadier of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and believe it or not, the then-Pakistani army chief, Ashfaq Kayani.The polio doctor rots in jail in Pakistan today. The retired ISI brigadier got his cut and moved to the US with his family under America's witness protection program. The army chief got the lion's share. Without betraying Bin Laden, upon retirement from the army, the army chief would anyway have led a lord's life in Pakistan.But he took his booty and decamped to Australia where he lives like a king.Now the head of Al Qaeda is Al Zawahiri. Zawahiri believes, rightly or wrongly, that the US has been responsible, directly or indirectly, for between five and ten million Muslims dying after 9/11. The figure of five million seems more accurate; ten million seems to be somewhat of an exaggeration. Still, Zawahiri wants revenge for even those five million deaths.He wants to nuke America. He is 68. This is his last wish before he folds his eyes, as he says.Zawahiri has been pursuing a nuclear bomb project for years. Now he's got everything in place. He was struggling to get the bomb material. The Pakistanis have deployed tactical nukes called Nasrs in the field against India. There are between 300-500 Nasrs in the field, all under the operational control of field commanders.The Pakistani army's raison d'etre is to destroy India. But it also seethes against America. After the Soviets quit Afghanistan in 1989, the Americans discarded their collaborators, the Pakistanis, like a used condom. After 9/11, Pakistan was forced to become an ally of America against the Taliban and Al Qaeda, but it did so reluctantly.The Pakistani army has practically been the foster parent of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Now, after 9/11, the same Pakistani army was being asked to desert them. There was severe blowback in terms of Talibani terrorism in Pakistan. Pakistani army officers started hating America even more.The Pakistani ISI, a wing of the army, protected Bin Laden. Now it is protecting Zawahiri. It wants Zawahiri to prise Kashmir from India's grasp. Zawahiri has little to no interest in going after India. It is America that he wants to hurt.The ISI tells him that if you don't focus on India, we will out you. So Zawahiri has opened up a wing called Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent. There's then this constant tension between the ISI and Zawahiri. Zawahiri is shrewd. He says that he will attack both the US and India. The ISI is comfortable with that scenario.Zawahiri has got his hands on one or more of Pakistan's Nasrs. Each Nasr comes with an electronic lock called a Permissive Action Link, or PAL. The key to the lock is with the field commander. A jihadi commander or commanders have given a PAL (or PALs) with Zawahiri. Even without the PAL, Zawahiri can cut open the Nasr to get his hands on its fissile material.Zawahiri knows how to transport the material and the other bomb parts to the US. It will be as cargo on a ship, well hidden in a consignment of say deliciously smelling mangoes. Which sniffer dog is going to be able to pick out the bomb parts?Zawahiri has trained sleeper cells in place in the US to assemble the bomb and then to blast it in a place of his choosing.Why hasn't he done this earlier? Well, the Pakistani tactical nukes are a relatively recent development. Creating sleeper cells and training them takes time.So then how to prevent the nuclear strike? The Pakistani army is a state within a state. The ISI is a state within a state within a state.