Buddha's Möbius Strip
1. Now mankind is fighting against the Corona virus. Everyday a lot of people are dying, dead, and suffering by the Corona virus circulating the world. Heavier suffering and burden are given to the economical weak. This is a very serious problem to be solved soon. However, it is only a small tip of big problem we are facing today. The more serious and hard-to-solve problem like Gordian knot is the environmental problems of earth revealing the symptoms such as the marine pollution, destruction of forest, desertification, climatic change, and so on, accelerated by the financial capitalism and tribal egoism. As philosopher Nietzsche said, mankind becomes the disease of earth. At this rate, Homo sapiens will disappear before the great flower of Earth-Democracy begins to bloom. This terrible result is the product of ego-centric small reason, dichotomous reason, namely, instrumental reason. Such selfish exclusive reason constructs the vertical system of knowledge, vertical relationship of possession, and vertical ruling relationship at any cost. We can not avoid greed, opposition, deception, distrust, conflict, violence, and war. It is because the self is the genius of the lie and deception, so confabulates endlessly to justify and rationalize himself or herself in order to maximize his or her benefits and pleasures. We can not avoid the conflict between two monadic selves, conflict between two logoi, conflict between two benefits, and conflict between two justifications. So we can make a long list of cases of tragedic violences and wars caused by the political leaders who was just a greedy liar, swindler, intellectual dwarf, and sly hypocrite. However, the direction and way for the collective intelligence are clear and distinct. It is inevitable to solve the pains of mankind and all living bodies of earth. 2. The collective intelligence of mankind has explored and tried to discover the ultimate truth and to actualize the democracy incessantly. Science and philosophy are the tracks of hard fighting of brave men in order to make the good world where the universal truth is alive in the justice and democracy. The collective intelligence of mankind has achieved the incessant progress through the Copernican changes in scientific truth. Science has escalated the status of human beings continuously in the universe. All human beings are equal, extremely precious and solemn. Being allowed to parody Wittgenstein, now it is time to keep silent about the affairs which are not coincident with the truth of science, in order to keep the infinite value and dignity of human beings. It is because the substantialization of false concepts allows all kinds of liars and swindlers to win the games pleasantly, while justice keeps silent and human happy life and peace of earth are destroyed in the white screamings. Contemporary great philosopher Deleuze overturns such false concepts decisively and opens new metaphysics and ethics based on the contemporary sciences. Deleuze's philosophy of multiplicity and event is very close to Buddha's philosophy of Dharma and Middle Way which is also very scientific and practical. Middle Way is the ultimate truth and it is the single unique solution to solve the problem of earth ultimately. It is time we need to pay attention seriously on Deleuze and Buddha if we wish to live in justice, democray, freedom, peace, and happiness. 3. This book compares the same points and different points with selected several keywords in the epistemology, ontology, and practical theory between Deleuze and Buddhism. Both will go forward together for the democracy, peace, and happiness of earth. Michel Foucault predicted that the 20th century will be considered as that of Deleuze, which will never be a joke or an exaggeration. We can enter into the Buddhism and come out of Deleuze, and vise versa.