The Sent Down Iron: Painting Solo Exhibition Catalog
The iron origin draws attention Deni Junaedi to be materialized to paintings. Iron did not come from the earth, but the heaven. Deni expressed the phenomenon via watercolors. Iron was sent down to the earth from supernova. The explosion of a giant star spread its iron to the universe and gave the packet of gift to the earth. Therefore, he named his concept: “The Sent Down Iron”. The artist frequently chose gears as the representation of iron. On certain occasion, he brought international issues for these artworks. However, he remained using forms made from iron to base his ideas. Deni employed melting effect of watercolors for the depiction. The artist also applied some other painting techniques, such as wet on wet and watercolor splash. There are not so many artists who stick with working on watercolor arts especially in Yogyakarta. Utilizing watercolor material generally is only as extra media or mixed media in artworks. Thus it is consented that it is a lonely path having been chosen by a Jogja artist whose name is Deni Junaedi, or well-known as Deni Je. He is an energetic figure born in Sukerojo Kendal June 21st, 1973, that I recognize as a though man. With bachelor’s degree, 1997 – 2004, at Indonesian Art Institute of Yogyakarta (ISI), Fine Arts Faculty, Pure Arts Department, Specialization in Art Painting; and Post Graduate Degree, 2010 – 2012, at Performing & Fine Arts Study, Post Graduate Program, UGM, Yogyakarta, he is able brought forward his career as a Lecturer at ISI Yogyakarta. Moreover, Bung Deni is also now active in his creative room as a content creator in PAINTING EXPLORER Channel. Having been active at artworks and exhibition since 1991 till now, he is certainly undoubted of his interest in arts. Watercolor as artwork media by Deni is the right choice and to be his expertise.