Gerontologic Nursing - E-Book
Covering both disorders and wellness, Gerontologic Nursing provides the essential information you need to provide the best nursing care to older adults. A body-system organization makes information easy to find, and discussions include health promotion, psychologic and sociocultural issues, and the common medical-surgical problems associated with aging adults. Written by expert educator and clinician Sue Meiner, EdD, RN, CS, GNP, this book also emphasizes topics such as nutrition, chronic illness, emergency treatment, patient teaching, home care, and end-of-life care. Comprehensive assessment guidelines identify findings that are normal, deviate from normal, and abnormal. A separate Health Promotion chapter and specialty boxes provide information related to promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing disease. Detailed coverage of pain, infection, cancer, chronic illness, loss, death and dying, and substance abuse explains the complex aspects of aging and related care. Cultural Influences chapter and Cultural Awareness boxes focus on clients' specific customs and how they affect your nursing care. Client/Family Teaching boxes help you communicate effectively on self-care. Home Care Tips boxes promote practical, effective care for the homebound older client. Emergency Treatment boxes highlight critical care in emergency situations. Nutrition boxes discuss the special nutritional needs and concerns of an aging population. Key points help you remember what you've read, and critical thinking activities help expand learned concepts. Up-to-date content includes the latest on hip and knee replacement, Lyme disease, lactose intolerance, upper respiratory infections, current arthritis therapies and treatments, and expanded information on abuse of older adults. Unique! Nursing Care Plans link NANDA-I nursing diagnoses, NIC priority interventions for specific conditions, and NOC suggested outcomes for guidance in providing appropriate care. Unique! Evidence-Based Practice boxes help you apply the research leading to better outcomes of nursing care. Unique! Nursing Process boxes provide quick and easy access to care information.