The New Information Professional
This books looks at the role of the information professional in the changing environment in which they now work. Information professionals find themselves in a paradoxical situation: there is increased interest in information and its management, stimulated by the Internet, and, simultaneously, diminished recognition by employers and the public at large of the theory and practice of library and information science. This has resulted in the 'invasion' of traditional library and information science territory by 'rival' groups, such as information technologists, system analysts, business consultants and even accountants, while information professionals with appropriate skills are ignored or even unemployed. This book provides clarification of the many issues facing both practicing information managers and library and information science students, as well as providing a guide to the new and diverse career pathways available in the field. These tools assist individuals in achieving greater success in their careers, as well as leading to greater recognition of the contribution of library and information services in organisations and society. - Assists practitioners plan progressive career paths and increase their status within organisations - Describes a practical and practicable approach to the management of information, knowledge and documents, which will clarify issues for both information managers and their employers - The only book of its type, written by an author with wide international experience in practice and academia, which distils a diverse range of points of view into one easily accessible, and useful, source