Teacher-student Relationship and Its Impact on Student Unrest
Throw light upon the causes that contribute to the restlessness among students. Students are not to be blamed for their being restive and violent. They are the products of the situations in which they are being raised. They are what they are shaped to be. Since the ancient times an authoritarian tendency has characterised the attitudes of teachers among others in authority in educational institutions towards the students. Students have not had the necessary attention and affection. The most important of the causes stands out to be the absence of cordial teacher-student relationship plus the conducive educational and institutional environment. Recommendations It is interesting to note that a good teacher, even if he is not a good man, is more respected than a bad teacher who may be a good man. It is obvious, therefore, that professional excellency and commitment on the part of the teachers will go a long way to curb student unrest in our educational institutions. Dr. S.N. Ratha, Professor and Head, Post Graduate Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Sambalpur University, Orissa. ``The author has done his work critically and well. He has chosen a new parameter-Teacher-student Relationship'-in his study and is well taken. From authors like McCormack to Altbach, very few authors have explored this dimension of the problem except very tangentially. Mr. Ghose's is a full-length study on this dimension with all its ramifications. I congratulate the author for his painstaking and critical expose.........'' Bela Dutt Gupta, Professor of Sociology, Calcutta University, West Bengal. ``I recommend ................ for its originality and boldness. I think the results of this study be known to all teachers and educationists.'' Dr. N.C. Choudhary, Professor of Sociology and Social Anthroplogy, University of North Bengal. Review ``The findings are logically arrived at and cogently presented in a readable simple style. No doubt this book will be useful to all those who have interest in the areas of sociology, education, political sociology in general and to those who are interested in the problems affecting the youth in particular''. K. Raghuram Reddy, The Indian Journal of Political Science