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Returning to Study
Returning to Study
Written specifically for professional people returning to study, this book provides practical guidance and strategies to increase confidence, enhance skills and develop critical awareness and creativity.
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EBOOK: The Doctorate Worldwide
EBOOK: The Doctorate Worldwide
This book critically analyses the provision of doctoral education worldwide and discusses core issues for educators, administrators and policy-makers when planning and delivering doctoral education programmes. It is the first to summarise key aspects of doctoral education worldwide in a consistent way, in order to: Inform the sector on the full range of doctoral awards worldwide Allow international comparisons to be made more easily Provide a base line for the international development of the doctorate Give a critical commentary on the state of doctoral education Help identify good practice Taking a country-by-country approach, The Doctorate Worldwide examines doctoral study in North and South America, South Africa, Europe, Australia, India, China, Japan and Thailand. Each chapter presents demographic and other data, and considers key questions such as: What are the different forms of doctoral study and qualification available? How are institutions organised? How are candidates supervised, funded and examined? Are there identifiable differences in gender, race, religion etc.? What is the role of the doctorate in relation to national research policy? Written in an accessible style, with extensive use of charts, tables and visual summaries, The Doctorate Worldwide will be a valuable resource for all academics and administrators involved in organising and delivering doctoral study.
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Returning to Study for a Research Degree
Returning to Study for a Research Degree
Are you thinking about returning to university to do a research degree? Do you have concerns about balancing your career with your studies? How can you maximise your learning, and ultimately your career prospects, through the choices you make now and during your research degree? If these questions resonate with thoughts you are having, then this book can help. It is written to answer the specific needs and concerns of those who return to study at research degree level during their career and as a part of their own professional and personal development. The book provides practical guidance to help returning students to balance study, work, leisure and family life as well as suggesting strategies that will help them to enhance their skills, develop critical awareness and become more creative. This is a substantially rewritten and updated version of a previous book by Stuart Powell (Returning to Study, 1999) which now focuses entirely on study for research degrees and incorporates his many years of experience working with individual research degree students and managing research degree provision at institutional level. With examples from a wide variety of subject disciplines, this book is essential reading for anyone seeking grounded advice on the issues facing returning students.
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Doctoral Study In Contemporary Higher Education
Doctoral Study In Contemporary Higher Education
How can the full range of doctoral study in the UK be best described? What are the key features that are driving change to the system? What are the implications of current initiatives and the increasingly international context of research degree study? This book covers the differing kinds of doctorate award that exist currently and discusses critically issues that arise from the ways in which related forms of doctoral study are organized and assessed. It focuses on doctoral study, in all its forms, in the higher education sector in the United Kingdom, while being contextualised within an international dimension. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data, the book focuses on the diversity in doctoral study. It examines the current state of the full range of doctoral awards, describes them, and then critically analyses tensions that exist. For example, it assesses the definitions and relations between different kinds of doctoral award, the pedagogy that surrounds them and the examination phases of each. The book also offers suggestions of ways to resolve the tensions associated with different forms of study and indicates possible future directions. Doctoral Study in Contemporary Higher Educationis an essential text for those who manage, fund and deliver education at doctoral level.
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It's a serendipitous time in history. The world is transitioning into the next industrial revolution - the Clean Revolution - which will transition the global economy away from fossil fuels and towards cleantech. The energy and transportation sectors account for a combined $4 trillion economic opportunity, which will only grow as the population and the middle class grow around the globe over the coming decades.Transitioning to a global clean economy will lead to the greatest economic opportunity for the most innovative countries. Over the past three decades, China has made significant investments in cleantech through supportive industrial policies, making Chinese companies the top manufacturers for solar, wind, and electric vehicles. China is also entering the driver seat for climate leadership, as the US plans to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.We have a new space race against China, and it's time to launch a moonshot-scale initiative to regain our innovative leadership. America's national leaders need to put policies in place to ensure America is part of this $4 trillion opportunity by putting forward bold policies to support American scientists, investors, businesses, and jobs through innovation, tax reform, regulatory reform, and state grants. The door is closing to catch up to China and to address carbon emissions. It's time to mobilize as a nation and launch an EcoShot!
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Special Teaching in Higher Education
Special Teaching in Higher Education
Covering the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA), this book addresses the learning needs of impaired and disabled students. It suggests effective responses for those designing and delivering the curriculum and discusses flexible teaching strategies. An essential purchase for any education professionals wanting to implement best practice when catering for those with particular needs - whether lecturers, course developers, course leaders or learning and teaching interest groups.
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A History of Song Dynasty Ceramics
A History of Song Dynasty Ceramics
A History of Song Dynasty Ceramics explores the range of ceramics produced in China and in its conquered territories from the middle of the 10th to the latter parts of the 13th centuries. It looks primarily at the pottery and porcelain dating from the Song Dynasty, but also refers to the ceramics that originated in the territories held by the Liao and Jin Dynastic rulers. It considers the range of pottery and porcelain produced by Song Dynasty potters from that made in the provinces for the non-aristocratic to the finest of the tribute wares made for the Imperial palaces. Setting out to improve understanding of the work of the potters and the ceramic pieces that they produced, it also explores the context within which the potting, decorating and firing was done and within which the resulting products were appreciated, traded and used. It examines how the ceramics of the Song period were the outcome of much complexity: the technologies of the times, the raw materials available, the traditions of skilled work in the kiln complexes, the socialisation of the workforce that made them amenable to organisation for mass production, the burgeoning economic climate and the development of a distinctively Song sense of aesthetic taste in which harmony between form and function was achieved by understatement and refinement.
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Understanding and Teaching Children with Autism
Understanding and Teaching Children with Autism
Autism is a lifelong condition that requires special care and consideration right into adulthood, and has an impact on many lives. This book is aimed at those concerned with the education and welfare of children with autism; particularly at teachers in Special Education and the psychologists and care professionals who work with teachers and parents of children with autism. Although there is no miracle cure for autism, this book brings a message of hope: that early intervention is advantageous and that, by a better understanding of autism and the different ways it is experienced by individual children, more effective ways can be found to meet educational needs and improve quality of life. Understanding the development processes and problems of children with autism, and the implications of these problems for social and educational learning, is the purpose of this book. The authors provide an accessible account of psychological concepts and research in social and emotional development, communication, cognition and behaviour, as related to individuals with autism. The fundamental problems of autism relationships, communication and flexibility of thought and behaviour are addressed, and practical guidance is offered on how these might be overcome or circumvented, in both home and school. This book specifically addresses the needs of children, but much of it will remain relevant to those working with adults who will appreciate the book s exploration of the roles played by emotion and cognition in the autistic condition, and the way in which these affect teaching and learning.
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The Last River
The Last River
Learn about the famous explorer and his adventures.
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