EBOOK: The Doctorate Worldwide
This book critically analyses the provision of doctoral education worldwide and discusses core issues for educators, administrators and policy-makers when planning and delivering doctoral education programmes. It is the first to summarise key aspects of doctoral education worldwide in a consistent way, in order to: Inform the sector on the full range of doctoral awards worldwide Allow international comparisons to be made more easily Provide a base line for the international development of the doctorate Give a critical commentary on the state of doctoral education Help identify good practice Taking a country-by-country approach, The Doctorate Worldwide examines doctoral study in North and South America, South Africa, Europe, Australia, India, China, Japan and Thailand. Each chapter presents demographic and other data, and considers key questions such as: What are the different forms of doctoral study and qualification available? How are institutions organised? How are candidates supervised, funded and examined? Are there identifiable differences in gender, race, religion etc.? What is the role of the doctorate in relation to national research policy? Written in an accessible style, with extensive use of charts, tables and visual summaries, The Doctorate Worldwide will be a valuable resource for all academics and administrators involved in organising and delivering doctoral study.