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Quantitative Geography
Integrating a discussion of the application of quantitative methods with practical examples, this book explains the philosophy of the new quantitative methodologies and contrasts them with the methods associated with geography's `Quantitative Revolution' of the 1960s. Key issues discussed include: the nature of modern quantitative geography; spatial data; geographical information systems; visualization; local analysis; point pattern analysis; spatial regression; and statistical inference. Concluding with a review of models used in spatial theory, the authors discuss the current challenges to spatial data analysis. Written to be accessible, to communicate the diversity and excitement of recent thinking, Quantitative Geog
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Quantitative Geography
Quantitative Geography
Integrating a discussion of the application of quantitative methods with practical examples, this book explains the philosophy of the new quantitative methodologies and contrasts them with the methods associated with geography′s `Quantitative Revolution′ of the 1960s. Key issues discussed include: the nature of modern quantitative geography; spatial data; geographical information systems; visualization; local analysis; point pattern analysis; spatial regression; and statistical inference. Concluding with a review of models used in spatial theory, the authors discuss the current challenges to spatial data analysis. Written to be accessible, to communicate the diversity and excitement of recent thinking, Quantitative Geography will be required reading for students and researchers in any discipline where quantitative methods are used to analyse spatial data. `This is a veritable tour de force of everything that is exciting about quantitative geography and GIS. It is a timely, thorough and exciting account of the state of the art and science of spatial analysis′ - Paul Longley, University of Bristol `A highly innovative and up-to-date text. It is unique in its coverage of the many developments that have taken place in the field over the past few years. The book is one that is highly readable and stimulating for those with some background in the field, and its expositional style and many examples will make it stimulating to newcomers as well′ - Peter Rogerson, State University of New York at Buffalo `Brings the field thoroughly up to date, integrating modern methods of GIS with a comprehensive and easy-to-read overview of the most recent and powerful techniques of spatial analysis. The book will be valuable to students and researchers in any discipline that seeks to explore or explain phenomena in geographical context, and will make excellent reading for geographers, political scientists, criminologists, anthropologists, geologists, epidemiologists, ecologists, and many others. It offers a spirited challenge to critics of a scientific approach to social science, and demonstrates the value of its subject matter through abundant examples′ - Michael Goodchild, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, University of California, Santa Barbara `There is a view within some parts of academic geography that what used to be called "quantitative geography" is dead, having been subsumed within "geographical information systems" or else of no continuing interest. This book should correct this view. First, it shows that quantitative methods have remained an exciting area of development and, second, it shows that, if anything, they have more relevance to substantive problems of interest than they have ever had. Although not specifically about GIS, it is a book that should be read by everyone concerned with the analysis of geographical information′ - David Unwin, Birkbeck College, University of London
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Geographically Weighted Regression
Geographically Weighted Regression
Geographical Weighted Regression (GWR) is a new local modelling technique for analysing spatial analysis. This technique allows local as opposed to global models of relationships to be measured and mapped. This is the first and only book on this technique, offering comprehensive coverage on this new 'hot' topic in spatial analysis. * Provides step-by-step examples of how to use the GWR model using data sets and examples on issues such as house price determinants, educational attainment levels and school performance statistics * Contains a broad discussion of and basic concepts on GWR through to ideas on statistical inference for GWR models * uniquely features accompanying author-written software that allows users to undertake sophisticated and complex forms of GWR within a user-friendly, Windows-based, front-end (see book for details).
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Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression
Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression
Multiscale geographically weighted regression (MGWR) is an important method that is used across many disciplines for exploring spatial heterogeneity and modeling local spatial processes. This book introduces the concepts behind local spatial modeling and explains how to model heterogeneous spatial processes within a regression framework. It starts with the basic ideas and fundamentals of local spatial modeling followed by a detailed discussion of scale issues and statistical inference related to MGWR. A comprehensive guide to free, user-friendly, software for MGWR is provided, as well as an example of the application of MGWR to understand voting behavior in the 2020 US Presidential election. Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression: Theory and Practice is the definitive guide to local regression modeling and the analysis of spatially varying processes, a very cutting-edge, hands-on, and innovative resource. Features Provides a balance between conceptual and technical introduction to local models Explains state-of-the-art spatial analysis technique for multiscale regression modeling Describes best practices and provides a detailed walkthrough of freely available software, through examples and comparisons with other common spatial data modeling techniques Includes a detailed case study to demonstrate methods and software Takes a new and exciting angle on local spatial modeling using MGWR, an innovation to the previous local modeling ‘bible’ GWR The book is ideal for senior undergraduate and graduate students in advanced spatial analysis and GIS courses taught in any spatial science discipline as well as for researchers, academics, and professionals who want to understand how location can affect human behavior through local regression modeling.
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