Interpreter: a Journal of Mormon Scripture, Volume 28 (2018)
This is volume 28 of Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture published by The Interpreter Foundation. It contains articles on a variety of topics including: "The Word and the Kingdom", "The Possibility of Janus Parallelism in the Book of Mormon", "Not Just Sour Grapes: Jesus's Interpretation of Isaiah's Song of the Vineyard", "Celebrating the Work of John W. Welch", "Changing Critics' Criticisms of Book of Mormon Changes", "Playing to an Audience: A Review of Revelatory Events", ""Possess the Land in Peace": Zeniff's Ironic Wordplay on Shilom", "Through a Glass Darkly: Examining Church Finances", "Unveiling Women's Veils of Authority", ""Swearing by Their Everlasting Maker": Some Notes on Paanchi and Giddianhi", "Two Notes on the Language Used in the Last Supper Accounts", "Is the Book of Mormon a Pseudo-Archaic Text?", "The Status of Women in Old Testament Marriage", "Easters: The Eternal Atoning Sacrifice Testifies of the Everlasting Redeeming Savior", "Approaching Abinadi", "Abinadi: A Minor Prophet, A Major Contributor", ""Thou Art the Fruit of My Loins": The Interrelated Symbolism and Meanings of the Names Joseph and Ephraim in Ancient Scripture", "Pressing Forward with the Book of Abraham", and "A Valuable Book for the Increasingly International Church."