The Court-Martial of General John Pope
Newcomer Steven E. Condon''s breakthrough analysis and novel presentation of one of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson''s most celebrated Civil War victories, Second Manassas (a.k.a. Second Bull Run), is full of surprises. The list includes a mistaken mountain, a warning that never was, and John Pope''s supposed real plan for entrapping Stonewall Jackson-a plan that Condon claims could have worked, had it only been implemented as Pope had ordered it. No, "The Court-Martial of General John Pope" is not alternate history. And, no, the many startling insights and new discoveries within this book are not fictions, even though they are presented inside the framework of a fictional trial taking place in the afterlife.It seems that the much maligned Union general John Pope has demanded a trial in order to once and for all clear his military reputation from 150 years of accumulated slights, slanders, and misconceptions. And who is defending Pope in the Valhalla Courthouse? None other than that peerless American defense attorney Clarence Darrow.The packed courtroom blazes with electricity and occasionally thunders in outrage as the wily Darrow pulls one white rabbit after another out of his well-stocked magician''s hat in a performance that rivals his very best. But Darrow has his work cut out for him as he faces a tribunal as daunting as any that ever sat in judgment at Nuremberg, packed as it is with the ablest generals of history; ranging across the centuries from Alexander the Great to America''s George S. Patton, these masters of the military art have-like all others-long considered Pope to be a laughingstock. Equally entertaining are the events outside the courtroom as twice each day three noted members of the press corps-including Mark Twain and Nellie Bly-furiously debate among themselves the merits of Darrow''s long string of revelations. Readers can enjoy the excitement of courtroom drama as they thrill to some of the most startling discoveries in Civil War history in recent times and discover one of the fiercest but least known rivalries in American history.This is because "Court-Martial" boasts as one of its centerpieces a rivalry that Condon reveals to be one of the most fascinating in American history: the fierce competition between Union General John Pope, the darling of the radical Republicans, and Union General George McClellan, the military standard bearer of the conservative Democratic Party and later Abraham Lincoln''s Democratic opponent for President in 1864. Condon''s book convincingly demonstrates for perhaps the first time the true depth and terrible impact of this fateful rivalry.President Obama''s June 2010 removal of General Stanley McChrystal from command of American forces in Afghanistan was not the first case of a US commander-in-chief experiencing a strained relationship with one of his senior generals while in the midst of waging a difficult war. Harry Truman had his share of troubles with the imperious Douglas MacArthur in the Korean War. And before both these Presidents, Abraham Lincoln suffered the misfortune of being saddled with the vain, contemptuous, and overly cautious George McClellan.But whereas both Truman and Obama were decisive in ridding themselves of their troublesome general, Lincoln was not. Although privately favoring the replacement of McClellan with Pope, the President did not want to anger the Democrats by openly removing McClellan from command. So instead he attempted to surreptitiously feed McClellan''s army bit by bit to Pope, an act of political equivocation that led him down a twisting path that ultimately left Lincoln feeling, in his own words, "controlled" by "circumstances" and stranded in a situation "with no remedy at present." This state of affairs proved disastrous for Pope and perhaps for the Union as well, as Condon demonstrates.Competing with the Pope-McClellan rivalry for attention is the drama of the controversy that spurred one of the most celebrated and politically volatile court cases of the latter half of the 19th Century, the fifteen-year conflict between John Pope and the general officer who was court-martialed and drummed out of the army for not giving Pope his full support at Second Manassas-Major General Fitz John Porter, noted friend and protégé of George McClellan. Darrow hammers away as mercilessly at McClellan and Porter as he does at Confederate icon Stonewall Jackson, often times igniting in the audience a maelstrom of fury that occasionally threatens to shut down the trial.Condon''s book provides a wealth of evidence detailed in over 300 end notes. Although this list includes some important new finds, much of Condon''s evidence surprisingly comes from that picked over old gold field "War of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies". This hundred-volume collection of thick black, gold embossed books published by the U.S. government in the 1880''s is crammed full of thousands of military telegrams, dispatches, and post battle reports, forming what many consider to be the "bible" of Civil War historians. Yet Condon manages to find new and sometimes radically different insights in telegrams previously cited by many Civil War writers before him.Some historians and Civil War aficionados will object to Condon''s placement of his new evidence and his new interpretations of old evidence inside a dramatic fictional story instead of placing it within the traditional setting of a purely non-fictional military campaign study. In his defense Condon points to the extreme degree to which John Pope''s military reputation has been unintentionally misrepresented and the 150 years for which this has gone on. He argues that in order to shake the public''s long frozen opinion of John Pope free from its icebound state, the setting of a trial and the skills of an advocate of the caliber of Clarence Darrow were required. According to Condon, John Pope was "court-martialed" after the Second Manassas Campaign, but the trial took place in the courtroom of history rather than before a military tribunal. His new book represents Pope''s second day in court-something that has been a long time in coming. To those who consider this placement of fact in the context of dramatic fiction to be unfortunate, Condon hopes nevertheless that they will still enjoy his tale.