For a Privileged Few
For A Privileged Few; Confronting America's Dirty Little Secret. Does America have a "dirty little secret" about poverty, health care, COVID-19, race, and even some religious beliefs that many public leaders might not want you to know about? In the book, "For A Privileged Few" we are asked the question - "When a politician says that they care about people, does the question ever come to your mind, 'I wonder if that means they care about people like me?' That may seem like a simplistic question, but the answer might not be as simple as you might think. Because it may mean they only really care about certain 'types' of people. And if that is true, then do you even matter to that politician in the scheme of things that are most important to you? Isn't the very soul of any democracy found in a straight answer to a more basic question...'Do my concerns, needs, problems, hopes, and dreams even matter to anyone who is supposed to represent me?' It is a question that deserves a response." Steven Phillips is a counselor, teacher, and fifth generation minister who has spoken to several million people worldwide in his almost fifty years of service. In "For A Privileged Few" he takes a serious look at what might be the unspoken motivations of certain public decision makers, politicians, and even some religious leaders. In very straightforward terms, he asks the question, "Is it possible that some of these people actually don't care about many of those whom they say they represent?" Dr. Phillips asks some very frank, and even sometimes "painful" questions about how our society operates. He discusses how our nation was created and a number of "unaddressed issues" which have been hindering our continued success ever since. His observations cut to the very core of many of the social, political, and religious issues of our day. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic during an election year in America, many of our values have come under increased scrutiny. It is becoming more and more obvious that many of the people who have been fortunate enough to climb to the top of the ladder of success in America, live in a sort of privileged, almost "caste-like" system of status. And, that privileged status is becoming increasingly unattainable for most Americans. For the first time in living memory, we are seeing growing numbers of our youth continuing to live with their parents after graduating from college. Many of these young Americans are expressing their belief that the so-called, "American Dream" has become evermore elusive for them - they have little hope of finding a good paying job, owning a home of their own, or being able to pay off the crushing debts that they incurred while completing their education. And yet, America is still producing the greatest number of billionaires in the world. Clearly, something is wrong. It could even be said that this unspoken status system has actually been competing with our stated core values of "Life, Liberty, And Justice For All" throughout our history. This possibility is beginning to be more easily demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic - which is having a far greater lethal effect upon hundreds-of-thousands of Americans with less means. Yet many social, economic, political, and even some religious leaders seem to be turning a blind eye to these issues. Like light shining through the cracks in an old suit of armor, Steven asks if the worst public health crisis in the past one hundred years is starting to expose some very troubling conflicts of interests. More importantly, he is trying to caution Americans that they must demand straight answers from all their leaders. Steven's advice? "...In times like these, it's important to know who really has your back."