At the Edges of Liberalism
The essays in this volume seek to confront some of the charged meeting points of European—especially German—and Jewish history. All, in one way or another, explore the entanglements, the intertwined moments of empathy and enmity, belonging and estrangement, creativity and destructiveness that occurred at these junctions. These encounters typically unfolded within an uneasy continuum of conflict and co-operation, conformity and resistance, refashioning or maintaining personal and collective dimensions of identity. Clearly, they never allowed for the luxury of indifference. Yet it would be wrong to present meetings of this kind as exclusively confrontational, as stark either-or choices. Life at the junctions may be vulnerable and insecure but it can also yield fresh angles of perception and new opportunities. If these boundary situations generated a modicum of friction, confusion and anxiety, and at times even murderousness, they also produced new alliances and friendships, creative projects and novel fusions and formations of identity. In exploring these dramatic moments in history, Steven Aschheim provides valuable new insights into the history of Europe, Israel, and global Judaism.